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. 2022 Sep 26;2022(9):CD015048. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD015048.pub2

Peiretti 2010.

Study characteristics
Methods Retrospective study
Participants 259 with advanced epithelial ovarian and fallopian tube cancer met the inclusion criteria
Median age was 58 years (range: 22 to 77 years)
Primary site disease: ovary 256 (98%); fallopian tube 3 (2%)
FIGO stages: IIIC: 199 (76%); IV: 60 (24%)
Tumour grades: grade 1 to 2: 53 (21%); grade 3: 198 (76%); grade N/A: 8 (3%)
Histological type:
  • Serous: 184 (71%)

  • Endometrioid: 39 (15%)

  • Clear cell: 8 (3%)

  • Mixed: 26 (10%)

  • Others: 2 (1%)

Peritoneal carcinomatosis: yes: 188 (72%); no: 71 (28%)
Location of largest mass:
  • Pelvis: 130 (50%)

  • Omentum: 110 (42%)

  • Upper abdomen: 14 (5%)

  • Retroperitoneal node: 1 (0.4%)

  • Other: 4 (1.6%)

Intraoperative units blood transfused, n (%):
  • None: 147 (56%)

  • 1 to 2: 67 (26%)

  • 3 to 4: 31 (12%)

  • > 5: 14 (5%)

Postoperative units blood transfused, n (%):
  • None: 122 (47%)

  • 1 to 2: 113 (43%)

  • 3 to 4: 23 (8%)

  • > 5: 4 (2%)

Size of largest mass (cm): ≤ 10: 98 (38%); > 10: 161 (62%)
Median CA‐125 (range): 913 U/mL (17 to 52,817)
Median ascites (range): 1500 cc (100 to 15,000)
Spain and Italy
Residual disease details All these women underwent an attempt of maximal surgical cytoreduction unless there was unresectable disease as determined by the attending surgeon. Speciality of surgeon not reported.
Postoperative platinum‐based chemotherapy was administered in all women
Residual tumour classed as:
  • NMRD: 115 (44%)

  • 1 mm to 5 mm: 50 (19%)

  • 6 mm to 10 mm: 33 13%)

  • 11 mm to 20 mm: 18 (7%)

  • > 20 mm: 43 (17%)

Progression‐free survival (PFS) was defined as the time interval from date of surgery to the date of the documented first recurrence of disease
Outcomes At multivariate analysis, age greater than 60 years (P = 0.025), stage IV vs IIIC (P = 0.037) and any residual disease (P = 0.032) were shown to have an independent association with worse PFS
Median estimated blood loss (range): 700 cc (50 to 6000)
The median length of hospital stay was 9 days
Median length of surgery (range): 270 minutes (70 to 480)
Risk of bias (QUIPS) 1. Study participation (a‐f): low risk
Adequate number of participants and description of target population. Baseline characteristics, eligibility criteria, sampling frame and period/place study took place presented clearly.
2. Study attrition (a‐e): unclear risk
Unclear if patients with incomplete follow‐up were excluded before arriving at the stated sample size. Insufficient information to permit judgement.
3. Prognostic factor measurement (a‐f): low risk
Valid and reliable measurement of RD
Outcome level assessment:
Outcome: overall survival
4. Outcome measurement (a‐c): low risk
Valid and reliable measurement of outcome. OS was defined as the time interval from date of surgery to the date of death or last follow‐up
5. Adjustment for other prognostic factors (a‐g): high risk
Not reported in multivariate analyses. Only univariate results.
6. Statistical analysis and reporting (a‐d): high risk
Not reported in multivariate analyses
Outcome: progression‐free survival
4. Outcome measurement (a‐c): low risk
Valid and reliable measurement of outcome. PFS was defined as the time interval from date of surgery to the date of the documented first recurrence of disease.
5. Adjustment for other prognostic factors (a‐g): high risk
Age categorised. Multivariate model predicting PFS adjusted for age and FIGO stage. Unclear if ascites was included in multivariate model or not.
6. Statistical analysis and reporting (a‐d): high risk
No conceptual framework; variable selection criteria for multivariate analyses unstated. Multivariate results (hazard ratios) PFS not displayed, only P values.
Notes After a median follow‐up of 29.8 months, PFS and overall median survival (OS) were 19.9 and 57.6 months respectively
92% of the women completed 5 or more cycles of platinum‐based systematic chemotherapy
At univariate analysis, factors significantly associated with decreased PFS included: age greater than median (N60 years), stage IV, presence of ascites N1000 cc, presence of diffuse peritoneal carcinomatosis and macroscopic residual disease