Figure 2.
Sex-specific oral cancer-induced nociceptive behavior and weight loss during tumorigenesis. Orofacial nociceptive behavior was measured in male and female sham and MOC1 and MOC2 tumor-bearing mice during tumorigenesis. Two weeks of baseline orofacial nociceptive behavior was acquired prior to inoculation. Mice were inoculated at PID0. Quantitative analysis of the percent change in baseline gnaw-time in sham mice (1:1 matrigel and cell culture media, n = 8/sex, squares), or MOC1 (A) or MOC2 (B) tumor-bearing mice (n = 10/sex, circles). Three-Way ANOVA Repeated Measures, time by treatment *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01; sex by time #p < 0.05. Orthotopic allograft tumor size was measured for MOC1 (C) starting at post-inoculation day (PID) 15 (n = 6/sex) and MOC2 (D) starting at PID1 (n = 6 female, 7 males). Tumor area was measured by caliper and volume calculated as an ellipsoid (V = 4/3π × L × W × H). Two-way ANOVA Repeated Measures, time effect *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Allograft-induced weight loss was measured weekly in MOC1 (n = 8/sex) (E) and MOC2 (F) tumor-bearing mice (n = 10/sex) and compared to sham-treated mice (n = 8/sex). Three-Way ANOVA Repeated Measures, time by treatment *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.