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. 2022 Sep 26;23(10):e450–e458. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(22)00372-2

Table 2.

mRNA-based dendritic cell cancer vaccines

Trial phase Target antigen Cancer type Combination Vaccine route of administration Sponsor
NCT05000801 Not described WT1, hTERT, and survivin-loaded dendritic cells Acute myeloid leukaemia With follow-up care Not described Affiliated Hospital to Academy of Military Medical Sciences (Beijing, China)
NCT01686334 2 WT1 Acute myeloid leukaemia With follow-up care Intradermal Antwerp University Hospital (Antwerp, Belgium)
NCT02649829 1/2 WT1 Pleural mesothelioma With standard therapy Intradermal Antwerp University Hospital
NCT04911621 1/2 WT1 High-grade glioma and diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma With chemoradiation (with or without standard therapy) Intradermal Antwerp University Hospital
NCT02649582 1/2 WT1 Glioblastoma multiforme With temozolomide Intradermal Antwerp University Hospital
NCT04157127 1 Pancreatic adenocarcinoma mRNA and lysate Pancreatic adenocarcinoma With standard therapy Intradermal Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, TX, USA)
NCT00639639 1 Cytomegalovirus pp65-LAMP Glioblastoma multiforme With autologous lymphocyte transfer and Td Intradermal Duke University (Durham, NC, USA)
NCT03688178 2 (randomised) Cytomegalovirus pp65-flLAMP Glioblastoma multiforme With temozolomide, varlilumab, and Td Intradermal Duke University
NCT04335890 1 Autologous tumour RNA with gp100, tyrosinase, PRAME, MAGE-A3, IDO, and different driver mutations Uveal melanoma With standard therapy Intravenous Hasumi International Research Foundation
NCT02465268 2 (randomised) HCMV pp65-shLAMP or pp65-flLAMP Glioblastoma multiforme With temozolomide, GM-CSF, and Td Not described Immunomic Therapeutics
NCT01995708 1 CT7, MAGE-A3, and WT1 (Langerhans-type dendritic cells) Multiple myeloma With standard treatment Intradermal Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York, NY, USA)
NCT01456104 1 Trp2 (Langerhans-type dendritic cells) Melanoma None Not described Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
NCT01197625 1/2 hTERT, survivin, and mRNA from primary prostate cancer tissue Prostate cancer None Not described Oslo University Hospital (Oslo, Norway)
NCT03548571 2/3 hTERT, survivin, and mRNA from autologous tumour stem cells Glioblastoma multiforme With temozolomide Intradermal Oslo University Hospital
NCT01983748 3 (randomised) Autologous tumour RNA Uveal melanoma None Intravenous University Hospital Erlangen (Erlangen, Germany)
NCT03083054 1/2 WT1 Myelodysplastic syndromes, acute myeloid leukaemia None Not described University of Campinas (Campinas, Brazil)
NCT04963413 1 Cytomegalovirus pp65-flLAMP Glioblastoma multiforme With temozolomide, GM-CSF, and Td Not described University of Florida (Gainesville, FL, USA)
NCT03396575 1 TTRNA Brainstem gliomas With cyclophosphamide, fludarabine, temozolomide, TTRNA-xALT, autologous haematopoietic stem cells, GM-CSF, and Td Intradermal University of Florida
NCT01326104 1/2 TTRNA Medulloblastoma, neuroectodermal tumour With TTRNA-xALT Intradermal University of Florida

Trials with recruitment status: “not yet recruiting,” “recruiting,” and “active, not recruiting” were found on with the search terms: “cancer” and “RNA, vaccine” on Feb 7, 2022, and through a PubMed search (see Search strategy and selection criteria panel). Td=tetanus-diphtheria toxoid vaccine. TTRNA=tumour mRNA-pulsed autologous dendritic cells. TTRNA-xALT=tumour-specific autologous lymphocyte transfer.