Figure 2.
Distribution of mean change in ABS composite measure between more and less effective facilitators, stratified by practice baseline change capacity and baseline performance.
ABS = aspirin use, blood pressure control, smoking cessation counseling. CPCQ = Change Process Capability Questionnaire.
Notes: Plots show absolute changes in percentages, so the magnitude of the difference is small, but across the baseline characteristics, practices with more effective facilitators tended to have higher changes in the ABS composite measure.
a Assessed from baseline CPCQ score, dichotomized at the median value as high (score ≥11) or low (score <11).
b Assessed from percentage of patients meeting composite ABS outcome at baseline, dichotomized at the median value as high (≥65%) or low (<65%).
c More effective: ≥75% of facilitator’s practices had improved CPCQ scores and/or ABS performance; less effective: <50% of facilitator’s practices had improved CPCQ scores and/or ABS performance.