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. 2022 Aug 25;18(10):1152–1160. doi: 10.1038/s41589-022-01111-6

Extended Data Fig. 6. The exchange rate kex is linearly correlated with the activity in the Xrn2.

Extended Data Fig. 6

The activity (turnover rate) and exchange rates (kex) were measured with an Xrn2 ΔZnF N12C-BTFA sample. Activities are derived from HPLC assays, exchange rates are derived from the global fit of 19F relaxation dispersion data (Fig. 3E). The linear correlation between kex (kex = kGS-ES + kES-GS) and turnover rates suggests that the exchange and degradation rates are functionally linked. In the apo-state of the enzyme, the population of the excited (active) state is between 20 and 50%. The forward rate (kGS-ES) is thus between 0.2*kex and 0.5*kex. For a 20% excited state the kGS-ES rates (as measured) in the apo-enzyme correlate directly with the turnover rate (activity) of the AU10 RNA, indicating that the translocation of the substrate from the pre-translocation state II to the active state is rate limiting during the catalytic cycle. The degradation rates of RNAs with a stable GC stemloop structure (GC12 RNA) is considerably slower, as the rate limiting step in the catalytic cycle moves from the dynamics in the N-terminal helix to the time it takes to melt the secondary structure in the RNA substrate. Data points are shown as mean ± s.d. The errors in the activities are derived from 2 to 4 independent experiments; the errors in the rates are derived from 500 MC simulations (Extended Data Fig. 5, Supplementary Figs. 12 and 13 and Table S6).

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