Basal body orientation in perinatal Pk mutant multiciliated cells. (A). Basal body misorientation metrics in perinatal Pk mutants with appropriate statistics. Results from a Fisher’s exact test are shown in the table (left) as follows: statistically significant p-values are shown in black, nonsignificant p-values are shown in grey. Pk1 +/− ; Pk2 −/− is highlighted in green to indicate that mice were analyzed at P16. (B). Representative TEM images showing basal foot orientation with respect to tissue axis. (C). Maximum projections of confocal image stacks of wholemount immunolabeled mouse perinatal tracheal lumens with Vangl1 antibody. Scale bar, 20 μm. Note, due to tissue curvature, it was not always possible to mount the samples sufficiently level to capture the entire tissue layer in a single image stack.