CSE/H2S rescues METH inhibition of vasodilation. Flow mediated vasodilation in response to METH treatment was examined between saline control, METH, METH + Sulfide, or METH + ecCSE transgenic (Tg) cohorts. Panel A shows changes in vessel diameter over different time points after restoration of blood flow. Panel B reports mean blood flow velocity 5 min after dilation responses among cohorts. Panel C illustrates femoral artery CSE activity among the different cohorts. Panels D–G report plasma and tissue Total NOx (D), plasma Total Sulfide (E), and skeletal muscle Total Sulfide (F), and skeletal muscle Total NOx (G), respectively. n = 4–6 per cohort, ##P < 0.001, @@P < 0.001 vs. saline control; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.001, ***P < 0.0001 vs. METH treatment.