(a) Rat position (black line) as a function of time in one example recording session, in a novel environment. The first 15 passes and subsequent stopping periods are shown. Red circles indicate times and locations of replay events, highlighted in b.
(b) (Top) Decoded probability of position for the seven example replays in a. Colors indicate posterior probabilities, as in color bar (right). (Bottom) Matched with each replay, the spike rasters from all simultaneously recorded place cells, ordered by place field peak. Three neuron’s spikes are highlighted in blue, green and red.
(d) The duration of replay increased across the first 14 passes in novel environments (N = 1609, R = 0.14, P = 8e-9).
(e) The slope of replay decreased across the first 14 passes in novel environments (N = 1609, R = −0.054, p = 0.03). All error bars depict S.E.M., correlations are Pearson’s correlation values.