Table 1.
Reference | PROMs | Development language | Development target population | Construct(s) being measured | Names of (sub)scales | Number of items per (sub)scale | Comments |
Akinci et al. [57] | 15D standardized measure of health-related quality of life Finnish (15D Finnish) | Finnish | General population | Generic health-related quality of life |
1. Breathing 2. Mental function 3. Speech 4. Vision 5. Mobility 6. Usual activities 7. Vitality 8. Hearing 9. Eating 10. Elimination 11. Sleeping 12. Distress 13. Discomfort and its symptoms 14. Sexual activity 15. Depression |
1 item per subscale | Not applicable |
Bradley et al. [58] Demirci et al. [59] |
Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQOL)-13 | English | Diabetes patients | Quality of life |
1. General quality of life 2. Diabetes-specific quality of life 3.Domains impacted by diabetes |
1.1 item 2.1 item 3.13 items |
Not applicable |
Lemon et al. [60] | Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality of life (ADDQOL)-16 | Spanish | Diabetes patients | Diabetes-specific quality of life |
1. General quality of life 2. Diabetes-specific quality of life 3. Domains impacted by diabetes |
1.1 item 2.1 item 3.16 items |
Not applicable |
Speight et al. [61] | Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality of life (ADDQOL) 17-senior | English | Diabetes patients | Quality of life |
1. General quality of life 2. Diabetes-specific quality of life 3. Domains impacted by diabetes |
1.1 item 2.1 item 3.17 items |
Not applicable |
Costa et al. [62] Daher et al. [63] Kamarul Imran [64] |
Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQOL)-18 | Portuguese | Diabetes patients | Quality of life |
1. General quality of life 2. Diabetes-specific quality of life 3. Domains impacted by diabetes |
1.1 item 2.1 item 3.18 items |
Not applicable |
Abbatecola et al. [65] Bak et al. [66] Fung et al. [67] Jannoo et al. [68] Kong et al. [69] Magwood et al. [70] Soon et al. [71] Turk et al. [72] Visockiene et al. [73] Wee et al. [74] Zhang et al. [75] |
Audit of Diabetes Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQOL)- 19 | English | Diabetes patients | Quality of life |
1. General quality of life 2.Diabetes-specific quality of life 3. Domains impacted by diabetes |
1.1 item 2.1 item 3.19 items |
Not applicable |
Elasy et al. [76] | A health status instrument developed for South-African women | English | Women with type 2 diabetes | Health-related quality of life |
1. Mental well-being 2. Social well-being |
24 items in total | Not applicable |
Hayes et al. [77] Hayes et al. [78] |
Ability to Perform Physical Activities of Daily Living (APPADL) | English | Type 2 diabetes patients and obesity | Impact of weight on activities of daily living | Ability to perform daily physical activities | 7 items in total | The APPADL is the renamed version of the Impact of Weight on Activities of Daily Living questionnaire (IWADL) |
Torres et al. [79] Welch et al. [80] |
Attitudes to Diabetes (ATT)-19 | English | Diabetes patients | Psychological adjustment to diabetes | Psychological adjustment to diabetes | 19 items in total |
Torres et al. [79] reports 19 items that include six factors Welch et al. [80] reports a 19-item single subscale |
Dunn et al. [81] | Attitude to Diabetes (ATT)-39 | English | Diabetes patients | Psychological adjustment to diabetes |
1. Stress 2. Adaptation 3. Guilt 4. Alienation 5. Illness conviction 6. Tolerance for ambiguity |
39 items in total | Not applicable |
Ting et al. [82] | Chinese Diabetes Distress Screening (CDDS)-15 | Chinese | Diabetes patients | Diabetes distress |
1. Emotional burden 2. Regimen- and social support related distress 3. Physician-related distress |
1.6 items 2.6 items 3.3 items |
Not applicable |
Carter et al. [83] Lehmann et al. [84] McHale et al. [85] Rankin et al. [86] Zhang et al. [87] |
Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression scale (CESD) | English | General population | Depression |
1. Depressed affect 2. Positive affect 3. Somatic 4. Interpersonal |
1.7 items 2.4 items 3.7 items 4.2 items |
Lehmann et al. [84] reports that the PROM consists of 20 items in total |
Hsu et al. [88] | Clinically Useful Depression Outcome Scale (CUDOS) | English | Mental disorders |
Depression Depressive symptoms |
1. Symptoms of depression 2. Psychosocial disabilities 3. Effect of depression on quality of life |
1.16 items 2.1 item 3.1 item |
Not applicable |
Price et al. [89] Jaksa et al. [90] Fagerdahl et al. [91] Sriyani et al. [92] Granado-Casas et al. [93] |
Cardiff Wound Impact Schedule (CWIS) | English | Diabetes patients |
Quality of life in persons with chronic wounds |
1. Social life 2. Well-being 3. Physical symptoms and everyday living 4. Quality of life |
1.7 items 2.7 items 3.12 items |
Not applicable |
Huang et al. [94] | Chinese Cardiff Wound Impact Schedule (CCWIS) | Chinese | Diabetes patients |
Quality of life in persons with chronic wounds |
1. Social life 2. Well-being 3. Physical symptoms and everyday living |
1.12 items 2.6 items 3.12 items |
Not applicable |
Boyer et al. [95] Hirsch et al. [48] Huang et al. [50] Khader et al. [96] Lopez-Carmona et al. [97] Nguyen et al. [98] Queiroz et al. [99] |
Diabetes-39 (D-39) | English | Diabetes patients | Quality of life |
1. Energy and mobility 2. Diabetes control 3. Anxiety and worry 4. Social burden 5. Sexual functioning |
1.15 items 2.12 items 3.4 items 4.5 items 5.3 items |
Not applicable |
Leite et al. [100] | Diabetes-39 scale (D-39) Short Form | English | Diabetes patients | Health-related quality of life |
1. Energy and mobility 2. Diabetes control 3. Anxiety and worry 4. Social burden 5. Sexual functioning |
1.5 items 2.5 items 3.4 items 4.5 items 5.3 items |
Not applicable |
Anderson et al. [29] Fitzgerald et al. [30] Li et al. [101] |
Diabetes Care Profile (DCP) | English | Diabetes patients |
Diabetes-specific measure of self-care Diabetes-related quality of life |
1. Control problems 2. Social and personal factors 3. Positive attitude 4. Negative attitude 5. Self-care ability 6. Importance of care 7. Self-care adherence 8. Diet adherence 9. Medical barriers 10. Exercise barriers 11. Monitoring barriers 12. Understanding mgt. practice 13. Long-term care benefits 14. Support attitudes |
1.18 items 2.13 items 3.5 items 4.6 items 5.4 items 6.4 items 7.4 items 8.4 items 9.8 items 10.5 items 11.11 items 12.10 items 13.5 items 14.6 items |
Anderson et al. [29] validates a subsample of the scales |
Sousa et al. [102] Zauszniewski et al. [103] |
Depressive Cognition Scale (DCS) | English | Older adults | Identifying depressive cognitions | Depressive cognition | 8 items in total | Not applicable |
Sato et al. [104] | Diabetes Diet-Related Quality of Life (DDRQOL) Scale | Japanese | Type 2 diabetes patients | Diabetes diet-related quality of life |
1. Satisfaction with diet 2. Burden of diet therapy 3. Perceived merits of diet therapy 4. General perception of diet 5. Restriction of social functions 6. Vitality 7. Mental health |
1.4 items 2.8 items 3.5 items 4.1 item 5.2 items 6.4 items 7.5 items |
Not applicable |
Sato et al. [105] | Diabetes Diet-Related Quality of Life (DDRQOL)-R | Japanese | Type 2 diabetes patients | Diabetes diet-related quality of life |
1. Satisfaction with diet 2. Burden of diet therapy 3. Perceived merits of diet therapy |
1.4 items 2.8 items 3.5 items |
Not applicable |
Sato et al. [105] | Diabetes Diet-Related Quality of Life (DDRQOL)-R Short Form | Japanese | Type 2 diabetes patients | Diabetes diet-related quality of life |
1. Satisfaction with diet 2. Burden of diet therapy 3. Perceived merits of diet therapy |
1.3 items 2.3 items 3.3 items |
Not applicable |
Fisher et al. [106] | Brief Diabetes Distress Screening (DDS)-2 |
English Spanish |
Type 2 diabetes patients | Diabetes distress | Diabetes distress | 2 items in total | The DDS-2 was derived from the DDS-17 questionnaire |
Chew et al. [107] Chin et al. [108] Curcio et al. [109] Farm et al. [110] Fenwick et al. [111] Graue, 2012 [112] Martinez-Vega et al. [113] Mocan and Bāban [114] Polonsky et al. [115] Batais et al. [116] Krzemińska et al. [117] |
17-item Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS-17) | English | Diabetes patients | Diabetes distress |
1. Emotional burden 2. Physician-related distress 3. Regimen-related distress 4. Interpersonal distress |
1.5 items 2.4 items 3.5 items 4.3 items |
Not applicable |
Thanakwang et al. [118] | Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS)-Thai | Thai | Elderly diabetes patients | Diabetes distress |
1. Emotional and regimen-related burden 2. Physician- and nurse-related distress 3. Diabetes-related interpersonal distress |
1.10 items 2.4 items 3.3 items |
Not applicable |
Batais et al. [116] | Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS)-Saudi-Arabian | Saudi-Arabian | Type 2 Diabetes patients | Diabetes distress |
1. Emotional burden 2. Physician-related distress 3. Regimen-related distress 4. Interpersonal distress |
1.5 items 2.4 items 3.5 items 4.3 items |
Not applicable |
Kokoszka et al. [119] | Depression in Diabetes Self-Rating Scale | Polish | Diabetes patients | Depressive symptoms | Depressive symptoms | 6 items in total | Not applicable |
Poole et al. [120] | Dreiser's Functional Hand Index (DFI) | French | Osteoarthritis | Hand function | Difficulties of ten different daily activities to execute | 10 items in total | The DFI Is also called the functional index for hand osteoarthritis (FIHOA) |
Abetz et al. [31] | Diabetes Foot Ulcer Scale (DFS) | English | Diabetes patients |
Impact of foot ulcers and their treatment on quality of life |
1. Leisure 2. Physical health 3. Daily activities 4. Emotions 5. Non-compliance 6. Family 7. Friends 8. Positive attitude 9. Treatment 10. Satisfaction 11. Financial |
1.5 items 2.6 items 3.6 items 4.17 items 5.2 items 6.5 items 7.5 items 8.5 items 9.4 items 10.1 item 11.2 items |
Not applicable |
Bann et al. [121] Hui et al. [122] Macioch et al. [123] Martinez-Gonzalez et al. [124] Kontodimopoulos et al. [125] |
Diabetes Foot Ulcer Scale (DFS-SF) | English | Diabetes patients | Impact of diabetic foot ulcers on patients’ quality of life |
1. Leisure 2. Physical health 3. Worried about ulcers 4. Dependence/ daily life 5. Negative emotions 6. Bothered by ulcer care |
1.5 items 2.5 items 3.4 items 4.5 items 5.6 items 6.4 items |
Macioch et al. [123] uses a different number of items per subscale after translation and adaption of the Polish version |
Meadows et al. [126] Mulhern et al. [127] Mulhern et al. [128] Tan et al. [129] Benazizi et al. [130] |
Diabetes Health Profile (DHP)-18 | English | Diabetes patients | Psychological and behavioural impact that diabetes can have on a person's daily live due to diabetes |
1. Psychological distress 2. Barriers to activity 3. Disinhibited eating |
1.6 items 2.7 items 3.5 items |
Mulhern et al. [128] developed a Diabetes Health Profile-3 Dimension and Diabetes Health Profile-5 Dimension based on the DHP-18 Tan et al. [129] validates a subscale of the DHP-18 |
Goddijn et al. [131] | Diabetes Health Profile (DHP)-31 | Dutch | Diabetes patients | Psychological and behavioural impact that diabetes can have on a person's daily live due to diabetes |
1. Psychological distress 2. Barriers to activity 3. Disinhibited eating |
1.14 items 2.12 items 3.5 items |
Goddijn et al. [131] deleted an item for the analysis |
Holmes-Truscott et al. [32] | DAWN2 Impact of Diabetes Profile (DIDP)-6 | English | Diabetes patients | Perceived impact of diabetes on quality of life |
1. Physical health 2. Financial situation 3. Relationships 4. Leisure activities 5. Work or studies 6. Emotional well-being |
1 item per subscale | Not applicable |
Holmes-Truscott et al. [32] | DAWN2 Impact of Diabetes Profile (DIDP)-7 | English | Diabetes patients | Perceived impact of diabetes on quality of life |
1. Physical health 2. Financial situation 3. Relationships 4. Leisure activities 5. Work or studies 6.Emotional well-being 7.Dietary freedom |
1 item per subscale | Not applicable |
Hammond et al. [132] Li et al. [133] |
Diabetes Impact Measurement Scales (DIMS) | English | Diabetes patients | Health status |
1.Symptoms 2.Well-being 3. Diabetes-related morale 4. Social role fulfillment |
1.17 items 2.11 items 3.11 items 4.5 items |
Not applicable |
Lin et al. [134] Saffari et al. [135] |
Diabetes-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire (DMQoL) |
Mandarin | Diabetes patients | Health-related quality of life | Health-related quality of life | 10 items in total | Not applicable |
Shen et al. [35] | Diabetes Quality of Life Clinical Trial Questionnaire (DQLCTQ) | English | Diabetes patients | Quality of life of diabetes patients in clinical trials |
Generic 1. General health 2. Comparative health 3. Physical functioning 4. Global role functioning 5. Social functioning 6. General social functioning 7. Energy/fatigue 8. Health distress 9. Mental health Diabetes-specific DQOL 1. Satisfaction 2. Impact 3. Social worry 4. Diabetes worry Worry Newly developed 1. Treatment satisfaction 2. Treatment flexibility 3. Social stigma 4. Frequency of symptoms 5. Bothersomeness of symptoms 6. Self-efficacy Demographics |
Generic 1.1 item 2.1 item 3.6 items 4.2 items 5.1 item 6.1 item 7.5 items 8.6 items 9.5 items Diabetes-specific DQOL 1.18 items 2.27 items 3.7 items 4.7 items Worry 17 items Newly developed 1.3 items 2.10 items 3.4 items 4.7 items 5.7 items 6.3 items Demographics 4 items |
Not applicable |
Shen et al. [35] | Diabetes Quality of Life Clinical Trial Questionnaire-Revised (DQLCTQ-Rev) | English | Diabetes patients | Quality of life of diabetes patients in clinical trials |
1. Physical function 2. Energy/fatigue 3. Health distress 4. Mental health 5. Satisfaction 6. Treatment satisfaction 7. Treatment flexibility 8. Frequency of symptoms |
57 items in total | Not applicable |
Goh et al. [33] | Asian Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-Chinese-18 | Mandarin | Diabetes patients | Diabetes-specific quality of life |
1. Financial concerns 2. Relationship 3. Memory 4. Diet and activities 5. Energy levels |
18 items in total | Not applicable |
Goh et al. [33] Permana et al. [136] |
Asian Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-English-21 | English | Diabetes patients | Diabetes-specific quality of life |
1. Financial 2. Energy levels 3. Memory and cognition 4. Relationship 5. Diet |
21 items in total | Not applicable |
Goh et al. [33] | Asian Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-Malay-21 | Malay | Diabetes patients | Diabetes-specific quality of life |
1. Financial 2. Energy levels 3. Memory and cognition 4. Relationship 5. Diet |
21 items in total | Not applicable |
Burroughs et al. [137] Dudzinska et al. [138] Magwood et al. [70] Samah et al. [139] Tang et al. [140] |
Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL-15) | English | Diabetes patients | (Diabetes-specific) quality of life |
1. Satisfaction 2. Impact 3. Social/worry 4. Vocational/worry |
1.5 items 2.4 items 3.4 items 4.2 items |
Dudzinska et al. [138] mentions 15 items in total but no specific domains The DQOL-42 is also called the Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-BCI |
Diriba et al. [141] | Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)- Afaan Oromoo-34 | Afaan Oromoo | Type 2 diabetes | Diabetes-related quality of life |
1. Satisfaction 2. Impact 3. Social/worry 4. Vocational/worry |
1.13 items 2.13 items 3.5 items 4.3 items |
Not applicable |
Cheng et al. [142] Cheng et al. [143] Huang et al. [144] |
Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-42 | Chinese | Elderly diabetes patients | Quality of life |
1. Satisfaction 2. Impact 3. Diabetes-related worry |
1.15 items 2.20 items 3.7 items |
Cheng et al. [143] only reports that the PROM consists of 42 items in total |
Yildirim et al. [145] | Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-45 | Turkish | Diabetes patients | (Diabetes-specific) quality of life |
1. Satisfaction 2. Impact 3. Diabetes-related worry 4. Social/vocational worry |
45 items in total | Not applicable |
Jacobson et al. [51] Pakpour et al. [146] Sato et al. [147] Rankin et al. [148] |
Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-46 | English | Diabetes patients | (Diabetes-specific) quality of life |
1. Satisfaction 2. Impact 3. Diabetes-related worry 4. Social/vocational worry |
1.15 items 2.20 items 3.4 items 4.7 items |
Not applicable |
Bujang et al. [149] | Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-60 | Malay | Diabetes patients | (Diabetes-specific) quality of life |
Diabetes 1. Diabetes life satisfaction scale 2. Disease impact scale 3. Disease related worries scale General health questionnaire |
Diabetes 1.18 items 2.27 items 3.14 items General health questionnaire 1 item |
Not applicable |
Bujang et al. [150] | Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-revised version | Malay | Diabetes patients | (Diabetes-specific) quality of life |
1. Diabetes life satisfaction scale 2. Disease impact scale 3.Disease related worries scale |
1.6 items 2.4 items 3.3 items |
Not applicable |
Correr et al. [151] | Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-Brazil | Brazilian | Diabetes patients | (Diabetes-specific) quality of life |
1. Satisfaction 2. Impact 3. Concern: social/vocational 4. Concern: related to diabetes |
1.15 items 2.18 items 3.7 items 4.4 items |
Correr et al. [151] performs the intercultural translation of the DQOL-Brazil to Portuguese |
Brasil et al. [152] | Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-Brazil-8 | Brazilian | Diabetes patients | Health-related quality of life |
1. Satisfaction 2. Impact 3. Concern: social/vocational 4. Concern: related to diabetes |
1.2 items 2.3 items 3.1 item 4.2 items |
Not applicable |
Jin et al. [153] | Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-Chinese-24 | Chinese | Diabetes patients | Quality of life |
1. Satisfaction 2. Impact 3. Worry |
1.9 items 2.8 items 3.7 items |
Not applicable |
Al-Qerem et al. [154] | Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-Arabic-29 | Arabic | Type 2 Diabetes patients | Quality of life |
1. Satisfaction 2. Impact 3. Worry |
1.14 items 2.11 items 3.4 items |
Not applicable |
Millán et al. [155] | Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL)-Spanish-43 | Spanish | Diabetes patients | Relative burden of an intensive diabetes treatment regimen |
1. Satisfaction 2. Impact 3. Concern: social/vocational 4. Concern: related to diabetes |
1.15 items 2.17 items 3.7 items 4.4 items |
Not applicable |
Alavi et al. [156] Jahanlou et al. [157] |
Iranian Diabetes Quality of Life (IRDQOL)-41 | Farsi | Diabetes patients | General- and health-related quality of life |
1. General quality of life 2. Health-related quality of life |
41 items in total [13 general quality of life items] | Not applicable |
Lee et al. [158] | Diabetes-specific Quality of Life scale (D-QOL)-34 | Korean | Diabetes patients |
Health-related quality of life Depression Distress |
1. Emotional suffering 2. Social functioning 3. Adherence to treatment 4. Diabetes-specific items |
24 items in total | Not applicable |
Grootenhuis et al. [159] | Type 2 Diabetes Symptom Checklist (DSC) | Dutch | Type 2 diabetes patients | Diabetes symptom severity and changes over time |
1. Psychological fatigue 2. Psychological cognitive 3. Neuropathic pain 4. Neuropathic sensoric 5. Cardiovascular 6. Vision 7. Hypoglycemic 8. Hyperglycemic |
1.4 items 2.4 items 3.4 items 4.6 items 5.4 items 6.5 items 7.3 items 8.4 items |
Not applicable |
Arbuckle et al. [160] Naegeli et al. [161] |
Diabetes Symptom Checklist-Revised (DSC-R) | Dutch | Diabetes patients | Symptom burden of diabetes |
1. Psychological fatigue 2. Psychological cognitive 3. Neuropathic pain 4. Neuropathic sensoric 5. Cardiovascular 6. Ophthalmologic 7. Hypoglycemic 8.H yperglycemic |
1.4 items 2.4 items 3.4 items 4.6 items 5.4 items 6.5 items 7.3 items 8.4 items |
Naegeli et al. [161] validates a subset of items |
Lee et al. [162] | Korean- Diabetes Symptom Checklist- Revised (K-DSC-R) | Korean | Type 2 diabetes patients | Symptom burden of diabetes and its possible complications |
1. Neuropathic pain 2. Psychological fatigue 3. Hypoglycemic 4. Ophthalmologic 5. Hyperglycemic 6. Cardiovascular 7. Sensory neuropathic |
1.6 items 2.5 items 3.5 items 4.4 items 5.4 items 6.3 items 7.2 items |
Not applicable |
Garcia et al. [26] | Diabetes Symptom Self-Care Inventory (DSSCI) |
English Spanish |
Diabetes patients | Diabetes symptoms and actions in response to those symptoms | Diabetes symptoms | At least 48 items, including a list of 38 symptoms. The remaining items refer to attitudes and actions taken for specific symptoms | The DSSCI is a decision tree rather than a scale |
Araki et al. [36] |
Elderly Diabetes Burden Scale (EDBS) |
Japanese | Elderly diabetes patients |
Diabetes-specific and non-specific quality of life |
1. Symptom burden 2. Social burden 3. Dietary restrictions 4. Worry 5. about diabetes 6. Treatment (dis)-satisfaction 7. Burden by tablets or insulin |
1.4 items 2.5 items 3.4 items 4.4 items 5.3 items 6.3 items |
Not applicable |
de Cock et al. [163] | Edinburgh Depression Scale (EDS) | English | Postnatal women | Screening depression | Depression | 10 items in total | The EDS is the renamed version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale |
Clarke et al. [164] Ekwunife et al. [165] Glasziou et al. [47] Konerding et al. [166] Lee et al. [167] Luo et al. [168] Matza et al. [169] Mulhern et al. [127] Pan et al. [170] Pattanaphesaj et al. [171] Turk et al. [72] Wang et al. [172] Yordanova et al. [55] Arifin et al. [173] Zare et al. [174] Janssen et al. [175] |
EuroQol (EQ)-5D-3L |
Dutch Finnish Norwegian Swedish English |
General population |
Generic measure of health status Health-related quality of life |
1. Mobility 2. Self-care 3. Usual activities 4. Pain/discomfort 5. Anxiety/depression |
1 item per subscale | Not applicable |
Koh et al. [176] Matza et al. [177] Pan et al. [170] Pattanaphesaj et al. [171] Sayah et al. [178] Wang et al. [179] Wang et al. [172] Arifin et al. [173] Janssen et al. [175] |
EuroQol (EQ)-5D-5L |
Dutch Finnish Norwegian Swedish English |
General population |
Generic measure of health status Health-related quality of life |
1. Mobility 2. Self-care 3. Usual activities 4. Pain/discomfort 5. Anxiety/depression |
1 item per subscale | Not applicable |
Cinar et al. [180] | 13-item Fatigue subscale of the FACIT-F | English | Chronic Diseases and Generic for Neoplasms | Fatigue | Fatigue | 13 items in total | Not applicable |
Leonardson et al. [181] | General well-being schedule | English | General population | Subjective feelings of psychological well-being and distress |
1. Self-esteem 2. Depression 3. Vitality 4. Health concerns |
1.8 items 2.6 items 3.4 items 4.4 items |
Not applicable |
Amidu et al. [182] | Golombok-Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS) | English | Heterosexual couples or individuals who have a current heterosexual relationship | Sexual functioning |
Male 1. Impotence 2. Premature ejaculation 3. Nonsensuality 4. Avoidance 5. Dissatisfaction 6. Infrequency 7. Noncommunication Female 1. Vaginismus 2.Anorgasmia 3. Nonsensuality 4. Avoidance 5. Dissatisfaction 6. Infrequency 7. Noncommunication |
4 items per subscale | Not applicable |
Poole et al. [120] | Hand Function Disability Scale (HFDS) | French | Rheumatoid arthritis | Hand function |
1. Kitchen 2. Dressing 3. Hygiene 4. Office 5. Other |
1.8 items 2.2 items 3.2 items 4.2 items 5.4 items |
The HFDS is also called Cochin Scale or Duruoz’s Hand Index |
Hajos et al. [183] | the Worry subscale from the Hypoglycemia Fear Survey (HFS-W) | English | Diabetes patients | Fear of hypoglycemia (worry subscale) | Fear of hypoglycemia (worry subscale) | 13 items in total | The HFS-W concerns the worry subscale from the Hypoglycemia Fear Survey (HFS) |
Kawata et al. [184] | Hypoglycemia Perspectives Questionnaire (HPQ) | English | Diabetes patients | Experience and impact of hypoglycemia |
1. Symptom concern 2. Compensatory behavior 3. Worry |
1.6 items 2.5 items 3.5 items |
Not applicable |
Morgan et al. [38] | Health Status Questionnaire (HSQ) 2.0 | English | General population | Quality of life in several dimensions |
1. Health perception 2. Physical functioning 3. Role limitations – physical health 4. Role limitations—emotional problems 5. Social functioning 6. Mental health 7. Bodily pain 8. Energy/fatigue |
39 items in total | Not applicable |
Maddigan et al. [40] | Health Utilities Index Mark 2 (HUI2) | English | General population |
Health-related quality of life Self-reported health status |
1. Sensation (hearing, vision and speech) 2. Mobility 3. Emotion 4. Cognition 5. Self-care 6. Pain 7. Fertility |
1 item per subscale | Maddigan et al. [40] did not use the ‘Fertility’ subscale |
Maddigan et al. [40] Maddigan et al. [185] Mo et al. [186] |
Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI3) |
English | General population |
Health-related quality of life Self-reported health status |
1. Vision 2. Hearing 3. Speech 4. Ambulation 5. Dexterity 6. Emotion 7. Cognition 8. Pain/discomfort |
1 item per subscale | Not applicable |
Kolotkin et al. [187] | Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Lite (IWQOL-lite) | English | People with obesity | Weight-related quality of life |
1. Physical function 2. Self-esteem 3. Sexual life 4. Public distress 5. Work |
1.11 items 2.7 items 3.4 items 4.5 items 5.4 items |
Not applicable |
Kolotkin et al. [188] Kolotkin et al. [189] |
Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Lite-Clinical Trials (IWQOL-Lite-CT) | English | People with obesity for obesity clinical trials | Health-related quality of life |
1. Physical 2. Psychosocial |
1.7 items 2.13 items |
Kolotkin et al. [188] validates the pilot version of the IWQOL-Lite-CT which consists of 22 items |
Tan et al. [129] |
Kessler-10 Psychological Distress scale (K10) |
English | General population | Level of distress and severity associated with psychological symptoms |
1. Depressed mood 2.Motor agitation 3. Fatigue 4. Worthless guilt 5. Anxiety |
1.3 items 2.2 items 3.2 items 4.1 item 5.2 items |
Not applicable |
Hirsch et al. [48] | LQD Quality of Life with Diabetes (LQD) | German | Diabetes patients | Diabetes-specific quality of life |
1. Diabetes satisfaction 2. Diabetes stress 3. Blood glucose stress |
1.7 items 2.7 items 3.3 items |
Not applicable |
Hasan et al. [190] | Menopause-specific Quality of Life (MENQOL) | English | Menopause | Quality of life |
1.Vasomotor 2.Physical 3.Psychosocial 4.Sexual functioning |
1.3 items 2.7 items 3.16 items 4.3 items |
Not applicable |
Poole et al. [120] | Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ) | English | Patients with hand disorders | Hand-specific outcome measure |
1. Overall hand function 2. Activities of daily living 3. Work performance 4. Pain 5. Aesthetics 6. Satisfaction with hand function |
1.10 items 2.17 items 3.5 items 4.10 items 5.8 items 6.12 items |
Not applicable |
Kim et al. [191] | MOS Six-Item Sleep Scale | English | General population | Quality of sleep |
Not clearly reported, but includes at least the following dimensions of sleep 1. Initiation 2. Maintenance 3. Adequacy 4. Somnolence 5. Respiratory impairments |
6 items in total | Not applicable |
Borg et al. [192] Svedbo Engstrom et al. [193] Svedbo Engstrom et al. [194] |
National Diabetes Register (NDR) survey | Swedish | Diabetes patients | Patient well-being, abilities to manage diabetes and judgements of their experience with diabetes care |
1. How you feel 2. our worries 3. Your capabilities to manage your diabetes 4. Barriers 5. Support from others 6. Support from diabetes care providers 7. Medical devices and medical treatment |
1.5 items 2.3 items 3.5 items 4.5 items 5.3 items 6.9 items 7.3 items |
Svedbo Engstrom et al. [193] validates a pilot version of the NDR |
Vileikyte et al. [195] |
Neuropathy- and Foot Ulcer–Specific Quality of Life instrument (NeuroQoL) |
English | Patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy |
Neuropathy- and foot ulcer- specific quality of life |
Physical symptoms 1. Pain 2. Reduced feeling 3. Diffuse sensory motor Psychosocial symptoms 1. Interpersonal/ emotional burden 2. Activity limitations |
Physical symptoms 1.7 items 2.3 items 3.3 items Psychosocial symptoms 1.11 items 2.3 items |
Not applicable |
Keinanen et al. [196] | Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) | English | General population | Health-related quality of life |
Current Health-related Quality of Life 1. Energy 2. Sleep 3. Pain 4. Emotional reactions 5. Social isolation 6. Physical mobility Health problems 1. Paid employment 2. Jobs around the house 3. Social life 4. Home life 5. Sex life 6. Hobbies 7. Holidays |
Current health-related quality of life 1.3 items 2.5 items 3.8 items 4.9 items 5.5 items 6.8 items Health problems 7 items in total |
Not applicable |
McGuire et al. [197] | Short Form Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID)-1 | English | Diabetes patients | Emotional impact of diabetes | Emotional problems | 1 item in total | Not applicable |
Lee et al. [198] McGuire et al. [197] Vislapuu et al. [199] |
Problem areas in diabetes (PAID)-5 | English | Diabetes patients | Diabetes-related emotional functioning | Emotional problems | 5 items in total | Not applicable |
Siaw et al. [200] Venkataraman et al. [201] |
Problem areas in diabetes (PAID)-16 | English | Diabetes patients | Diabetes-specific emotional distress |
1. Emotional and management problems 2. Diabetes problems 3. Support problems |
1.11 items 2.3 items 3.2 items |
Not applicable |
Arzaghi et al. [202] Belendez et al. [203] Eom et al. [204] Fenwick et al. [111] Graue et al. [112] Gross et al. [205] Huang et al. [206] Huis In’t Veld et al. [207] Jannoo et al. [208] Miller et al. [209] Papathanasiou et al. [210] Polonsky et al. [211] Snoek et al. [212] Tan et al. [129] Venkataraman et al. [201] Welch et al. [213] Welch et al. [214] Welch et al. [215] Cichoń et al. [216] |
Problem areas in diabetes (PAID)-20 | English | Diabetes patients |
Diabetes-related emotional functioning Distress |
1. Emotional problems 2. Treatment problems 3. Food-related problems 4. Social support problems |
1.12 items 2.2 items 3.3 items 4.3 items |
Not applicable |
Matza et al. [169] | Psychological General Well-Being Index (PGWB) | English | General population | Subjective feelings of psychological well-being and distress |
1. Anxiety 2. Depressed mood 3. Positive well-being 4. Self-control 5. General health 6. Vitality |
1.5 items 2.3 items 3.4 items 4.3 items 5.3 items 6.4 items |
Not applicable |
Chuayruang et al. [28] | Patient-reported outcomes in Thai patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (PRO-DM-Thai) | Thai | Type 2 diabetes patients | Patient-reported outcomes (outcomes of diabetes care) |
1. Physical function 2. Symptoms 3. Psychological well-being 4. Self-care management 5. Social well-being 6. Global judgements of health 7. Satisfaction with care and flexibility of treatment |
1.5 items 2.7 items 3.5 items 4.12 items 5.5 items 6.5 items 7.5 items |
Not applicable |
Zhu et al. [217] | Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) | English | Adults | Sleep quality |
1. Subjective sleep quality 2. Sleep latency 3. Sleep duration 4. Habitual sleep efficiency 5. Sleep disturbances 6. Use of sleep medication 7. Daytime dysfunction |
1.1 item 2.2 items 3.1 item 4.3 items 5.9 items 6.1 item 7.2 items |
Zhu et al. [217] removed ‘use of sleep medication’ from the PSQI questionnaire |
Oobe et al. [37] | Quality of life (QOL) questionnaire | Japanese | Diabetes patients | Quality of life |
1. Degree of apprehension 2. Degree of distress 3. Degree of satisfaction with life 4. Degree of satisfaction with treatments |
1.5 items 2.5 items 3.4 items 4.4 items |
Not applicable |
Orozco-Beltran et al. [218] | Impact of hypoglycemia on the HRQoL of type 2 diabetes patients (QoLHYPO©) questionnaire | Spanish | Type 2 diabetes patients | Quality of life | Health-related quality of life | 13 items in total | Not applicable |
Nagpal et al. [34] | Quality of Life for Indian diabetes Patients (QOLID) | Indian | Type 2 diabetes patients | Quality of life |
1. Social life, work and travel 2. Physical endurance 3. General health 4. Treatment satisfaction 5. Symptom botherness 6. Financial worries 7. Emotional/mental health 8. Diet advise tolerance |
1.6 items 2.6 items 3.3 items 4.4 items 5.3 items 6.4 items 7.5 items 8.3 items |
Not applicable |
Mikhael et al. [219] |
Quality of life scale for Iraqi Diabetes patients (QOLSID) |
Irak | Diabetes patients | Quality of life |
1. Satisfaction 2. Stress |
1.8 itmes 2.2 items |
Not applicable |
Whitty et al. [220] | Self-completion instrument for diabetes | English | Diabetes patients | Subjective health status |
The instrument consists of six multi-item scales 1. Physical function and energy 2. Depression 3. Psychological distress and barriers to activity 4. Symptoms |
1.Physical function 10 items and Energy 4 items 2.7 items 3.Psychological distress 16 items and Barriers to activity 15 items 4.9 items |
Whitty et al. [220] reduced the ‘Symptoms’ scale to 9 items for analysis. The ‘Symptoms’ scale originally consists of 20 items |
Rao et al. [39] | Self-perception of health | English | Type 2 diabetes patients | Subjective feelings of psychological well-being and distress |
1. Positive self-feeling 2. Sociality 3. Attention seeking 4. Feel healthy 5. Worry about health 6. Dependence |
1.6 items 2.6 items 3.4 items 4.5 items 5.2 items 6.4 items |
Not applicable |
Maddigan et al. [40] Maurischat et al. [41] Wan et al. [42] |
12-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12) | English | General population | Health-related quality of life |
1. Physical functioning 2. Role physical 3. Role emotional 4. Pain 5. Vitality 6. General health 7. Social functioning 8. Mental health |
1.2 items 2.2 items 3.2 items 4.1 item 5.1 item 6.1 item 7.1 item 8.2 items |
Not applicable |
Westaway et al. [43] | 20-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-20) | English | General patient population | Health-related quality of life |
1. Physical functioning 2. Role functioning 3. Social functioning 4. Mental health 5. General health 6. Bodily pain |
1.6 items 2.2 items 3.1 item 4.5 items 5.5 items 6.1 item |
Not applicable |
Ahroni et al. [45] Anderson et al. [29] Bagheri et al. [46] Glasziou et al. [47] Hirsch et al. [48] Hu et al. [49] Huang et al. [50] Jacobson et al. [51] Linzer et al. [52] Martin et al. [53] Woodcock et al. [54] Yordanova et al. [55] Abbasi-Ghahramanloo et al. [44] |
36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) | English | General population |
Generic health concepts Health-related quality of life |
1. Physical functioning 2. Social functioning 3. Role limitations due to physical problems 4. Role limitation due to emotional problems 5. Mental health 6. Energy and vitality 7. Pain 8. General perception of health 9. Perceived change in health |
1.10 items 2.2 items 3.4 items 4.3 items 5.5 items 6.4 items 7.2 items 8.5 items 9.1 item |
Ahroni et al. [45], Bagheri et al. [46], Jacobson et al. [51] and Martin et al. [53] analyzed specific subscales of the SF-36 questionnaire |
Hsu et al. [221] | Short Form Problem Areas in Diabetes in chinese (SF-PAID-C) | Chinese | Diabetes patients | Diabetes-specific emotional distress |
1. Diabetes-related emotional problems 2. Problems related to food |
1.6 items 2.2 items |
Not applicable |
Wicaksana et al. [222] | Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-4 | English | General population | Psychological distress |
1. Depression 2. Anxiety |
1.2 items 2.2 items |
Not applicable |
Lupascu et al. [223] Twist et al. [224] Udedi et al. [225] Zhang et al. [226] |
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9 | English | General population |
Depressive symptoms Depression |
Depressive symptoms/ depression | 9 items in total | Not applicable |
Klis et al. [27] | Pictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure Revised II (PRISM-RII) | Dutch | Diabetes patients | Diabetes-related suffering |
1. Self illness separation (SIS) 2.Illness perception measure |
Not applicable | The PRISM-RII is a visual interactive PROM |
Duran et al. [227] | Questionnaire on Stress in Diabetic Patients (QSD) | German | Diabetes patients | Diabetes distress |
1. Fear of long-term complications 2. Dietary restrictions 3. Problems with hypoglycemia 4. Difficulties with treatment regimen 5. Problems with acceptance 6. Reduction of performance 7. Problems with work 8. Strained doctor-patient relationship 9. Problems with relationship or family 10. Feeling patronized |
1.7 items 2.4 items 3.9 items 4.10 items 5.15 items 6.11items 7.6 items 8.5 items 9.12 items 10.6 items |
Not applicable |
Herschbach et al. [228] | Questionnaire on Stress in Patients with Diabetes-Revised (QSD-R) | German | Diabetes patients | Diabetes distress |
1. Leisure time 2. Depression/fear of future 3. Hypoglycemia 4. Treatment regimen/diet 5. Physical complaints 6. Work 7. Partner 8. Doctor-patient relationship |
1.4 items 2.6 items 3.4 items 4.9 items 5.6 items 6.6 items 7.6 items 8.4 items |
Not applicable |
Kinik and Çamlicali [229] | Questionnaire on Stress in Patients with Diabetes-Revised-Turkish (QSD-R-TR) | Turkish | Diabetes patients | (Diabetes) distress |
1. Leisure time 2. Work 3. Relationship with partner 4. Doctor-patient relationship 5. Problems with hypoglycemia 6. Treatment regimen 7. Physical complaints 8. Worries about long-term complications |
1.4 items 2.6 items 3.6 items 4.4 items 5.4 items 6.7 items 7.6 items 8.6 items |
Not applicable |
Fraim et al. [230] | Questionnaire on Stress in Patients with Diabetes-Revised-Turkish-Cyprus (QSD-R-TR) | Turkish | Diabetes patients | (Diabetes) distress |
1. Psycho-physiological aspects 2. Social 3. Accountability 4. Psychosocial distress 5. Fear/depression 6. Outcomes 7. Medical relationships |
1.11 items 2.6 items 3.6 items 4.4 items 5.4 items 6.3 items 7.4 items |
Not applicable |
Pakpour et al. [231] | Sexual Quality of Life questionnaire-Female (SQOL-F) | English | Women with sexual dysfunction | Impact of sexual dysfunction on quality of life | Impact of sexual dysfunction on quality of life | 18 items in total | Not applicable |
Polonsky et al. [232] | Type 2 Diabetes Distress Assesment System (T2-DDAS) | English | Adults with T2D | Diabetes Distress |
1. Core distress 2. Management demands 3. Hypoglycemia 4. Long-term health 5. Health care provider 6. Interpersonal issues 7. Shame 8. Healthcare access |
1.8 items 2.3 items 3.3 items 4.3 items 5.3 items 6.3 items 7.3 items 8.3 items |
Not applicable |
Pouwer et al. [233] Pouwer et al. [234] |
Well-being questionnaire (W-BQ) 12 | Dutch | Patients in clinical trials and other studies | Several aspects of psychological well-being |
1. Negative well-being 2. Energy 3. Positive well-being |
1.4 items 2.4 items 3.4 items |
Not applicable |
Hirsch et al. [48] Kolawole et al. [235] Kolawole et al. [24] |
Well-being questionnaire (W-BQ) 22 | English | Diabetes patients |
Well-being Quality of life |
1. Depression 2. Anxiety 3. Energy 4. Positive well-being 5. (General well-being) |
1.6 items 2.6 items 3.4 items 4.6 items 5.22 items |
Not applicable |
Speight et al. [236] | Well-being questionnaire (W-BQ) 28 | English | Diabetes patients |
Well-being Health-related quality of life |
1. Generic negative well-being 2. Generic positive well-being 3. Energy 4. Generic stress 5. Diabetes-specific negative well-being 6. Diabetes-specific positive 7. well-being 8. Diabetes-specific stress |
1.4 items 2.4 items 3.4 items 4.4 items 5.4 items 6.4 items 7.4 items |
Not applicable |
Bradley et al. [237] | Well-being scale | English | Diabetes patients | Well-being an treatment satisfaction |
1. Depression 2. Anxiety 3. Positive well-being |
1.6 items 2.6 items 3.6 items |
Not applicable |
Mannucci et al. [56] | Well-being Enquiry for Diabetics (WED) | Italian | Diabetes patients | Diabetes-related quality of life |
1. Symptoms 2. Discomfort 3. Serenity 4. Impact |
1.10 items 2.10 items 3.10 items 4.20 items |
Not applicable |
Awata et al. [238] Cichón et al. [239] Hajos et al. [240] Halliday et al. [241] Yordanova et al. [55] |
The World Health Organisation- Five Well-Being Index (WHO-5) |
Danish English |
General population | Positive psychological well-being |
1. Cheerful and in good spirits 2. Calm and relaxed 3. Active and vigorous 4. Feeling fresh and rested 5. Filled with things that interest me |
1 item per subscale | Not applicable |
Pibernik-Okanovic et al. [23] | World Health Organisation Quality of Life (WHOQOL-100) |
Australian Croatian French Indian Israelic Japanese Dutch Panamees Russian Spanish Thai English Shona |
General population |
Overall quality of life General health |
Overall quality of life and general health Quality of life domains 1. Physical 2. Psychological 3.Social relationships 4. Environment |
Overall quality of life and general health Not reported Quality of life domains 1.7 facets 2.6 facets 3.3 facets 4.8 facets Each facet consists of 4 questions |
Pibernik-Okanovic et al. [23] uses a modified four-domain structure. The standard WHOQOL-100 consists of six domains (i.e. includes domains level of independence and spirituality) |
Jahanlou et al. [157] Kolawole et al. [24] Reba et al. [242] Sreedevi et al. [25] Abbasi-Ghahramanloo et al. [44] |
World Health Organisation Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-BREF |
Australian Croatian French Indian Israelic Japanese Dutch Panamees Russian Spanish Thai English Shona |
General population | Quality of life |
1. Physical health 2. Psychological 3. Social relationships 4. Environment |
1.7 items 2.6 items 3.3 items 4.8 items |
Not applicable |
Bold represents the development paper of the PROM. Not for all of the PROMs a development paper is listed in the table, while those PROMs were not developed in a diabetes population