Atlas of the endometrium of healthy controls and RIF patients. (A) Flowchart overview of the scRNA-seq and methodology (left), and t-SNE plots on 60222 single cells in the endometrium of three control and six RIF patients (right), indicating 22 clusters and four major cell types (FIB, EC, IC and VASC). (B) Violin plots of representative marker genes for 22 clusters and 4 cell subsets. The X-axis is a log scale normalized read count. (C) Proportion and total cell number of FIB, VASC, IC and the subpopulation of IC (NK, T, Mφ/Mo, B, Mast, ILC and T/NKp cells) in the endometrium of different samples. FIB: fibroblast-like cells; EC: epithelial cells; IC: immune cells; VASC: vascular cells.