Figure 4.
Analysis of interaction of MsCML10 with MsGSTU8. Interaction of MsCML10 with MsGSTU8 was analyzed using the methods of Y2H (A), BiFC (B), the LCI (C), pull-down (D), and Co-IP (E). GST-MsCML10 fusion protein was used as bait and His-MsGSTU8 fusion protein as prey in the pull-down assay. Anti-His and anti-GST antibodies were used to detect bait and prey proteins, and the His and GST proteins were used as negative controls (D). Flag-MsCML10 and MsGSTU8-GFP were co-expressed in leaves of N. benthamiana. Total proteins were subjected to immunoprecipitation with anti-GFP beads. The presence of Flag-MsCML10 was detected by anti-Flag immunoblotting (E).