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. 2022 Sep 19;19(18):11822. doi: 10.3390/ijerph191811822

Table 2.

Correlation matrix between stressors, coping and psychological well-being.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
2 0.626 ***
3 0.474 *** 0.399 ***
4 0.764 *** 0.548 *** 0.575 ***
5 0.386 *** 0.256 *** 0.502 *** 0.506 ***
6 0.908 *** 0.691 *** 0.728 *** 0.900 *** 0.594 ***
7 0.219 *** 0.272 *** 0.121 * 0.117 * −0.055 0.188 **
8 0.225 *** 0.203 *** 0.180 ** 0.112 0.028 0.205 ** 0.418 ***
9 0.107 0.115 * 0.036 0.061 −0.008 0.088 0.429 *** 0.359 ***
10 0.189 ** 0.123 * 0.020 0.065 −0.023 0.121 * 0.319 *** 0.538 *** 0.249 ***
11 0.230 *** 0.143 * 0.190 ** 0.191 ** 0.175 ** 0.243 *** 0.282 *** 0.256 *** 0.349 *** 0.324 ***
12 0.280 *** 0.129 * 0.196 ** 0.343 *** 0.302 *** 0.325 *** 0.177 ** 0.142 * 0.240 *** 0.089 0.163 **
13 −0.001 −0.067 0.214 *** 0.159 ** 0.219 *** 0.115 * −0.094 0.140 * 0.029 0.191 ** 0.116 * 0.303 ***
14 −0.068 −0.130 * 0.047 0.102 0.247 *** 0.024 −0.162 ** −0.203 *** −0.083 −0.179 ** 0.056 0.118 * 0.295 ***
15 −0.192 ** −0.238 *** −0.087 −0.054 0.075 −0.143 * −0.021 −0.062 −0.097 −0.063 −0.006 0.117 * 0.297 *** 0.317 ***
16 −0.132 * −0.287 *** 0.087 0.033 0.248 *** −0.035 −0.170 ** −0.177 ** −0.098 −0.143 * 0.005 0.119 * 0.398 *** 0.530 *** 0.336 ***
17 −0.251 *** −0.365 *** −0.025 −0.029 0.192 ** −0.149 * −0.266 *** −0.221 *** −0.136 * −0.183 ** −0.026 0.153 ** 0.379 *** 0.512 *** 0.419 *** 0.619 ***
18 0.138 * 0.041 0.216 *** 0.313 *** 0.391 *** 0.257 *** −0.167 ** −0.235 *** −0.062 −0.266 *** −0.001 0.391 *** 0.250 *** 0.414 *** 0.179 ** 0.313 *** 0.364 ***

* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001. Number 1–6 refer to the specific subscale of the Stressor in Nursing Students Scale-Chinese version. Number 7–17 refer to the specific subscale of the Brief Cope Inventory-Chinese version. Number 18 refers to the Chinese version of the General Health Questionnaire-12.