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. 2022 Sep 9;19(18):11372. doi: 10.3390/ijerph191811372

Table A2.

Correlations among variables related to flood experience, reliance, risk exposure, socio-economic status, and coping-appraisal variables.

Variables Coping Appraisal/Flood Preparedness Actions
Early Flood Warning Storing Dry Food Raising House Plinth Raising Tube-Well Plinth Raising Toilet Plinth Storing Crop Seed Storing Money Emergency Equipment Family Awareness Evacuation Plan Saving Valuable Asset Family Relocation Place Connection with NGOs Possibility to Take Loan Damage Insurance Community DM Plan Connection with Local Government
Threat Experience Appraisal
Experienced flooding in the past 0.165 −0.156 −0.549 ** −0.591 ** −0.631 ** 0.284 ** 0.006 0.276 ** 0.350 ** −0.276 ** −0.141 −0.062 0.064 0.066 −0.152 0.273 * −0.188
Reliance on DRR Measures
Existence of risk reduction measures 0.276 ** 0.075 −0.461 ** −0.305 ** −0.305 ** 0.031 0.239 * 0.118 0.287 ** −0.043 −0.042 −0.004 −0.106 0.140 0.031 0.194 0.080
Flood embankment −0.225 * −0.092 −0.150 −0.094 −0.094 0.146 −0.184 0.019 −0.176 −0.425 ** −0.040 −0.110 0.027 −0.338 ** −0.333 ** −0.092 −0.190
NGO’s resilience program 0.116 0.208 * 0.245 * 0.298 ** 0.220 * 0.245 * 0.083 −0.010 0.079 0.232 * 0.340 ** 0.095 0.100 −0.066 0.055 −0.217 * 0.134
Risk Exposure
Distance of HH from river −0.047 0.155 0.474 ** 0.435 ** 0.462 ** −0.215 * 0.093 −0.219 * −0.305 ** 0.179 0.176 0.015 −0.251 * −0.102 −0.002 0.087 0.173
Distance of HH from embankment 0.172 −0.035 −0.548 ** −0.425 ** −0.443 ** 0.158 0.245 * 0.112 0.334 ** −0.172 −0.184 0.057 −0.012 −0.035 −0.035 0.136 −0.184
Socio−Economic Status
Gender 0.093 −0.071 0.210 * 0.082 0.082 0.148 0.086 0.115 0.033 0.290 ** 0.183 0.278 ** 0.098 −0.086 0.182 0.049 −0.231 *
Educational status −0.075 −0.300 ** −0.219 * −0.270 ** −0.232 * −0.234 * −0.298 ** −0.137 −0.167 −0.273 ** −0.394 ** −0.198 0.007 −0.056 −0.090 −0.075 −0.086
Monthly income 0.150 −0.387 ** −0.385 ** −0.464 ** −0.522 ** 0.086 0.053 0.053 0.101 −0.252 * −0.085 −0.098 −0.046 0.092 −0.132 0.163 −0.174

** Correlation was significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). * Correlation was significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).