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. 2022 Sep 9;19(18):11388. doi: 10.3390/ijerph191811388
WTTC World Tourism Council
GDP Gross domestic product
ZMET Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique
MEC Means-end chain
TPB Theory of planned behavior
TRA Theory of reasoned action
SN Subjective norm
PBC Perceptual behavior control
REB Responsible environmental behavior
REBI Responsible environmental behavioral intention
IBS Inquiry-based science
ExE Experiential education
OE Outdoor education
GBL Garden-based learning
RPII Revised Personal Involvement Inventory
ATEB Attitudes toward environmental behaviors
EE Situational Environmental Education
CFA Confirmatory factor analysis
HVM Hierarchical value map
A-R-V connections Attitude-Result-Value connections
ESD Education for sustainable development
EP Environmental protection
CR Composite reliability
AVE Average variance
NAT The norm-activation-theory
VR Virtual reality