Cyber verbal abuse |
The act of swearing, using harsh language, and making aggressive personal remarks via the internet, mobile phone text messages, etc. |
Cyber defamation |
The act of posting articles that defame other individuals/institutions on the internet or social media, regardless of whether they are true, so that an unspecified number of people can see them. |
Cyberstalking |
The act of sending unwanted e-mails or text messages that cause fear or anxiety repeatedly, or leaving traces of comments by visiting blogs, social media, etc. |
Cyber sexual violence |
Communicating sexually unpleasant content such as sexual descriptions, sexually disparaging remarks, and sexist abusive language via the internet or mobile phone, or sending obscene videos and photos to specific people. |
Cyberbullying |
Leaking personal information or posting personal secrets on the internet or social media, or teasing others via chatrooms, smartphones, or instant messengers. |
Cyber coercion |
Cyber extortion refers to the act of stealing money and smartphone data from the internet and forcing others to say/do unwanted things via internet or mobile phone. |