Table 1.
The ad hoc questionnaire.
Questions related to demographics and the loss 1. Age 2. Gender 3. Nationality 4. Family situation 5. Children 6. Educational title 7. Profession 8. What is your relationship with the lost person? 9. How long ago the loss happened? 10. Under what circumstances did your loved one pass away? Questions about your experience of receiving notification of unexpected and violent death 11. Did you personally receive the news of unexpected and violent death (suicide, homicide, traffic accident, work accident, natural disaster) of a loved one by professional figures? 12. Who communicated the news to you? 13. Where did the communication take place? 14. How was the news communicated to you? (In person, by telephone, by other means…) 15. Did you receive clear and accurate information about what happened? 16. Were there any particularly unpleasant aspects of the communication? If yes, please describe. 17. How do you evaluate the manner in which the communication took place? 18. How did you feel when you received the notification? 19. How did you react toward the person who gave you the news? 20. What struck with you the most about that moment? 21. What did you do after the communication? Was there anything that gave you support? 22. What would you have needed? 23. Would you like to add something? If so, please share your thoughts with us. Thank you! |