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. 2022 Aug 31;19(17):10860. doi: 10.3390/ijerph191710860
ANB A-point, nasion, B-point
ANN Artificial neural network
BCLP Bilateral CLP
CLP cleft lip and palate
CNN Convolutional neural network
COP Cant of occlusal plane
CSR Cascaded shaped regression
DNN Deep neural network
DRNN Deep recurrent neural network
DT Decision tree
FH Frankfort horizontal
GD Group display
IIA Inter-incisal angle
IMPA Incisor mandibular plane angle
k-NN k-nearest neighbor
L1 Lower central incisor
LOP Lower occlusal plane
LR Logistic regression
LSTM Long short-term memory
MLP Multi-layer perceptron
NA Nasion to point-A
NB Naive Bayesian
NB Nasion to point-B
NC Non-cleft
NLD Non-linear dynamics
NSCLP ± P Non-syndromic cleft lip and palate with or without palate
OB Overbite
OJ Overjet
PSD Power spectrum density
RF Random forest
SN Sella nasion
SNA Sella, nasion, A-point
SNB Sella, nasion, B-point
SNPs Single nucleotide polymorphism
SVM Support vector machine
U1 Upper central Incisor
UCL Unilateral cleft lip
UCLA Unilateral cleft lip and alveolus
UCLP Unilateral CLP
UID Upper incisor display
UOP Upper occlusal plane,
VGG Visual Geometry Group