Table 2.
Measurement items for the constructs in the research model.
Constructs | Items |
Perceived ease of use (PEOU) [19] | PEOU1 Learning to use MMPs is easy for me. |
PEOU2 I find it easy to get MMPs to do what I want them to do. | |
PEOU3 It is easy for me to become skillful at using MMPs. | |
PEOU4 I find MMPs easy to use. | |
Perceived usefulness (PU) [19] | PU1 Using MMPs improves my ability of health management. |
PU2 Using MMPs helps me save time in managing my health. | |
PU3 Using MMPs enhances the effectiveness of my health management. | |
PU4 I find MMPs to be useful in my health management. | |
Attitude (ATT) [19] | ATT1 Using MMPs is a good idea. |
ATT2 Using MMPs is a wise idea. | |
ATT3 I like the idea of using MMPs. | |
Social influence (SI) [25] | SI1 My family members influence my decision to use MMPs. |
SI2 My friends influence my decision to use MMPs. | |
Perceived behavioral control (PBC) [62] | PBC1 I have the ability to use MMPs to manage my health. |
PBC2 I have the resources (including training opportunity) that allow me to use MMPs for my health management. | |
Perceived convenience (PCV) [63] | PCV1 I can access health care services at any time via MMPs. |
PCV2 I can access health care services at any place via MMPs. | |
PCV3 MMPs are a convenient way for me to access health care services. | |
Perceived privacy risks (PPR) [25] | PPR1 I am concerned that MMPs collect too much personal information from me. |
PPR2 I am concerned that MMPs will share my personal information with other entities without my authorization. | |
Perceived credibility (PCB) [64] | PCB1 The information provided by MMPs is up-to-date. |
PCB2 The information provided by MMPs is accurate. | |
PCB3 The information provided by MMPs is trustworthy. | |
PCB4 The information provided by MMPs is authoritative. | |
Behavioral intention (BI) [36] | BI1 I intent to use this MMP when I need it in the future. |
BI2 I predict that I will use the mobile medical service in the future. | |
BI3 I plan to use MMPs in the future. | |
Perceived effective use (PEU) [44] | To what extent do you use MMPs as much as you should use it? |