Yes, the training… |
Met my expectations |
890 |
54.1 |
86.8 |
98.2 |
< 0.001 |
Seemed relevant to me |
889 |
64.9 |
94.8 |
99.4 |
< 0.001 |
Engaged me |
888 |
55.4 |
89.0 |
99.0 |
< 0.001 |
Increased my knowledge |
886 |
37.8 |
87.7 |
96.4 |
< 0.001 |
Which types of resources would you find helpful; all that apply |
887 |
Faculty/staff development for teaching cultural awareness |
45.8 |
50.5 |
64.2 |
< 0.001 |
Patient-case related resources |
43.1 |
35.0 |
43.5 |
0.050 |
Electronic/Online learning modules |
48.6 |
45.0 |
55.9 |
0.009 |
Links to resources from other |
45.8 |
44.0 |
53.8 |
0.021 |
On-campus workshops |
43.1 |
43.7 |
54.7 |
0.005 |
No additional resources |
23.6 |
17.5 |
9.5 |
< 0.001 |
Demographics |
What is your age? |
811 |
0.044 |
18–34 years |
55.6 |
40.8 |
39.1 |
35 years + |
44.4 |
59.2 |
60.9 |
What is your racial or ethnic identification |
836 |
< 0.001 |
White/Caucasian |
60.0 |
75.5 |
77.7 |
Hispanic/Latino |
8.6 |
2.8 |
5.6 |
Other, multi-racial |
7.1 |
5.2 |
3.1 |
Black/ African American |
5.7 |
5.2 |
7.1 |
Asian, American Indian/Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander |
2.9 |
5.9 |
3.8 |
Prefer not to answer |
15.7 |
5.2 |
2.7 |
What is your gender identity? |
727 |
0.822 |
Male |
28.3 |
21.5 |
23.9 |
Female |
67.9 |
75.7 |
73.3 |
Other |
3.8 |
2.8 |
2.8 |
Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation? |
800 |
< 0.001 |
Heterosexual |
63.8 |
81.0 |
84.8 |
All other |
17.4 |
10.4 |
10.8 |
Prefer not to answer |
18.8 |
8.6 |
4.3 |
Have you ever served in any branch of the Unites States military? |
832 |
< 0.001 |
Yes |
1.4 |
5.2 |
3.6 |
No |
87.0 |
92.7 |
95.2 |
Prefer not to answer |
11.6 |
2.1 |
1.3 |
Do you currently have a diagnosed disability |
827 |
< 0.001 |
Yes |
4.3 |
2.5 |
4.0 |
No |
81.2 |
92.9 |
93.3 |
Prefer not to answer |
14.5 |
4.6 |
2.7 |
Which of the following best describes your PRIMARY affiliation? |
818 |
0.613 |
University Medical Center employee |
67.7 |
68.6 |
70.9 |
Student |
10.8 |
14.5 |
14.5 |
Hospital employee or other |
21.5 |
17.0 |
14.7 |
If you are a student |
What is your academic program? |
151 |
0.151 |
School of Nursing |
12.5 |
0.0 |
5.4 |
School of Medicine |
37.5 |
32.0 |
17.2 |
School of Health Professions |
50.0 |
60.0 |
65.6 |
Graduate Studies |
0.0 |
8.0 |
11.8 |
International student |
179 |
0.0 |
4.8 |
4.7 |
0.801 |