A, Estimated differences between weight gainers and maintainers by sex in biomarker level changes from pre-ART to week 96. Estimates from final multivariable model including the following covariates: race/ethnicity, age (decade), pre-ART CD4 count and plasma HIV-1 RNA, and pre-ART BMI group. B, Estimated differences between pre-ART BMI category (vs normal BMI) in biomarker level changes from pre-ART to week 96. Estimates from final multivariable model including the following covariates: sex, race/ethnicity, age (decade), pre-ART CD4 count, and plasma HIV-1 RNA. Differences were significantly larger than normal BMI for IL-6 and hsCRP. Untransformed units for biomarkers were pg/mL for IL-6, sTNF-RI, and CXCL-10; μg/mL for hsCRP; and ng/mL for sCD163. Abbreviations: ART, antiretroviral therapy; BMI, body mass index; CXCL-10, C-X-C motif chemokine 10; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; hsCRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; IL-6, interleukin 6; sCD163, soluble CD163; sTNF-RI, soluble TNF-α receptor I.