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. 2022 Sep 29;130(9):096002. doi: 10.1289/EHP9934

Table 6.

Characteristics of Latin American and the Caribbean studies on pesticide exposure and thyroid function published between 2007 and 2021 (n=16).

Study Year of publication/country Population and sample size Study design Pesticides assessed Exposure assessment method Pesticide or metabolite concentrations Health effect and assessment method/instrument Results
Studies on OCs
 Studies in children
  1. Freire et al.187 2012/Brazil 193 children (0–14 years of age) from an old factory Cross-sectional OCs Questionnaire (occupational and residential history of parents)
Serum HCH, HCB, chlordane, trans-nonachlor, heptachlor, DDT, DDE, endosulfan, aldrin, endrin, dieldrin, methoxychlor, mirex
Median (P20–P80) (ng/mL): α-HCH=7.8(1.118.0); β-HCH=10.2(2.027.0); γ-HCH=2.5(0.56.7); HCB=0.8(0.22.0); α-chlordane=0.6(<LOD1.6); γ-chlordane=0.5(<LOD0.9); trans-nonachlor=0.9(0.11.7); heptachlor=1.1(<LOD2.3); p,p-DDE=10.2(2.035.7); o,p-DDT=1.2(<LOD2.2); p,p-DDT=6.9(1.117.7); p,p-DDD=1.2(0.32.6); endosulfan 1=0.7(<LOD1.0); endosulfan 2=0.7(<LOD1.4); aldrin=3.4(0.719.3); endrin=1.5(0.33.6); dieldrin=1.1(0.32.9); methoxychlor=0.7(<LOD0.5); mirex=1.0(<LOD1.7) Serum TSH, total T3, fT4 Higher concentrations of 17 of 19 OC pesticides were associated with increased total T3 levels [β (95% CI)] for highest quintile of exposure compared with lowest quintile of exposure: α-HCH=14.9(2.6,27.2); β-HCH=12.1(0.12,24.4); γ-HCH=13.8(1.5,26.2); HCB=14.8(2.7,26.9); α-chlordane=21.4(9.7,33.1); γ-chlordane=16.0(4.5,27.4); trans-nonachlor=19.6(7.5,31.6); p,p-DDE=11.5(0.6,23.6); o,p-DDT=8.8(2.5,20.1); p,p-DDT=10.6(1.4,22.6); p,p-DDD=14.5(2.4,26.6); endosulfan 1=17.3(6.4,28.2); endosulfan 2=15.1(4.3,25.9); aldrin=13.1(0.8,25.3); endrin=13.3(1.2,25.4); dieldrin=20.3(8.1,32.6). For mirex, exposure was categorized into quartiles and the highest quartile of exposure was associated with increased total T3 levels compared with the lowest quartile (β=10.3; 95% CI: 0.1, 20.7). Highest quartile of DDD (β=0.1; 95% CI: 0, 0.2), endosulfan 1 (β=0.1; 95% CI: 0, 0.1), and dieldrin (β=0; 95% CI: 0.1, 0.11) were associated with increased fT4 levels. Mostly null associations between OC pesticides and TSH levels.
  2. Arrebola et al.188 2016/Boliviaa 200 mother–newborn pairs from agricultural area Cross-sectional OCs Questionnaire (residential exposure history)
Cord blood DDT and DDE
Median (P25–P75) (ng/g lipid):
Serum TSH Null associations of cord blood DDT and DDE with neonatal TSH levels.
  3. Cordier et al.117 2015/Guadeloupeb 111 mother–child (18 months of age) pairs Prospective cohort OCs Cord blood and breast milk chlordecone, cord blood DDE Median (P25–P75) (μg/L):
Cord blood chlordecone=0.13(<LOD0.31); cord blood p,p-DDE=0.30(0.091.05); breast milk chlordecone=0.60(<LOD1.16)
Serum TSH, fT3, fT4 Cord chlordecone was associated with increased TSH, particularly among boys (p<0.01). Postnatal chlordecone was associated with decreased fT3 among boys and decreased fT4 among girls (p<0.05).
  4. Ayhan et al.189 2021/Guadeloupec,d 285 mother–child (7 years of age) pairs Prospective cohort OCs Cord and child blood chlordecone, cord blood DDE Median (P25–P75) (μg/L):
Cord blood chlordecone: boys=0.25(0.080.41), girls=0.21(0.070.37); child chlordecone: boys=0.06(<LOD0.11), girls=0.05(<LOD0.11); cord blood DDE: boys=0.22(0.090.64), girls=0.31(0.100.74)
Serum TSH, fT3, fT4 Third quartile of cord blood chlordecone associated with elevated TSH levels in girls (β=0.2; 95% CI: 0, 0.4), relative to first quartile. Null associations of cord blood chlordecone with fT3 and fT4. No report on associations of child chlordecone and cord blood DDE with thyroid hormones.
 Studies in adults
  5. Freire et al.190 2013/Brazil 608 adolescents and adults (>14 years of age) living near an abandoned pesticide factory Cross-sectional OCs Questionnaire (residential exposure history)
Serum HCH, HCB, chlordane, trans-nonachlor, heptachlor, DDT, DDE, endosulfan, aldrin, endrin, dieldrin, methoxychlor, mirex
Median (P25–P75) (ng/mL):
Women: α-HCH=2.6(1.06.0); β-HCH=7.0(2.817.6); γ-HCH=1.0(0.42.2); HCB=0.4(0.20.7); α-chlordane=0.3(<LOD0.6); γ-chlordane=0.2(<LOD0.4); trans-nonachlor=0.4(0.20.8); heptachlor=0.4(<LOD0.8); p,p-DDE=9.6(3.528.9); o,p-DDT=0.4(<LOD1.1); p,p-DDT=3.2(1.07.6); p,p-DDD=0.7(0.21.4); endosulfan 1=0.2(<LOD0.4); endosulfan 2=0.2(<LOD0.7); aldrin=2.4(0.814.1); endrin=0.6(0.31.5); dieldrin=0.6(0.21.2); methoxychlor=0.4(<LOD1.0); mirexLOD (<LOD0.3)
Men: α-HCH=2.5(1.00.7); β-HCH=6.0(2.115.4); γ-HCH=1.0(0.42.2); HCB=0.3(0.10.6); α-chlordane=0.2(<LOD0.6); γ-chlordane=0.2(<LOD0.4); trans-nonachlor=0.3(0.20.8); heptachlor=0.3(<LOD0.9); p,p-DDE=8.3(2.921.9); o,p-DDT=0.3(<LOD0.9); p,p-DDT=3.1(1.07.0); p,p-DDD=0.6(0.21.3); endosulfan 1=0.2(<LOD0.5); endosulfan 2=0.2(<LOD0.7); aldrin=1.9(0.711.0); endrin=0.6(0.21.5); dieldrin=0.6(0.31.3); methoxychlor=0.5(<LOD1.0); mirexLOD (<LOD0.3)
Serum TSH, total T3, fT4
Among men, higher endosulfan 2 was associated with decreased total T3 levels (β=2.3; 95% CI: 4.6, 0.01); higher β-HCH was associated with decreased fT4 levels (β=0.003; 95% CI: 0.006, 0.001) and slightly increased TSH levels (β=0.003; 95% CI: 0.001, 0.007); higher p,p-DDT was associated with decreased fT4 (β=0.003; 95% CI: 0.006, 0.001). Men with detected methoxychlor had an increased risk for presence of TPOAb (OR=2.2; 95% CI: 1.3, 3.8).
Among women, higher α-chlordane (β=5.7; 95% CI: 1.1, 10.2), p,p-DDT (β=0.4; 95% CI: 0.1, 0.7), endosulfan 2 (β=3.5; 95% CI: 0.1, 7.0), and methoxychlor (β=8.5; 95% CI: 1.7, 15.4) was associated with increased total T3 levels; higher HCB (β=0.02; 95% CI: 0.001, 0.04), heptachlor (β=0.02; 95% CI: 0.003, 0.03), o,p-DDT (β=0.02; 95% CI: 0.01, 0.04), and p,p-DDT (β=0.003; 95% CI: 0.001, 0.01) were associated with increased fT4 among women. Aldrin was associated with the presence of TPOAb (OR=1.01; 95% CI: 1.0, 1.02).
  6. Blanco-Muñoz et al.192 2016/Mexico 136 male floriculture workers Prospective cohort OCs Questionnaire (occupational and residential exposure history)
Serum p,p-DDE, p,p-DDT
Median (P25–P75) (ng/mL)
Rainy season p,p-DDE=4.9(2.911.1); dry season p,p-DDE=4.7(2.211.1)
Serum TSH, total T3, total T4 Higher p,p-DDE was associated with increased total T3 (β=0.01; 95% CI: 0.01, 0.03) and total T4 (β=0.01; 95% CI: 0.0, 0.1) levels. Null association of p,p-DDE with TSH levels.
  7. Piccoli et al.191 2016/Brazil 275 men and women from farmworker families Cross-sectional OCs, OPs Questionnaire (residential and occupational exposure history)
Serum HCH, HCB, chlordane, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide B, trans-nonachlor, DDT, DDE, DDD, endosulfan, aldrin, endrin, dieldrin, metoxichlor, mirex, pentachloroanisole
Blood AChE, BChE
Median (P5–P95) (ng/g):
α-HCH<LOD (<LOD21.8); β-HCH<LOD (<LOD77.9); γ-HCH<LOD (<LOD24.4); HCB<LOD (<LOD31.9); pentachloroanisole<LOD (<LOD20.0); endrin (<LOD179.7); dieldrin<LOD (<LOD21.4); heptachlor epoxide B<LOD (<LOD11.6); γ-chlordane<LOD (<LOD22.2); heptachlor<LOD (<LOD39.9); o,p-DDT<LOD (<LOD53.4); p,p-DDT<LOD (<LOD84.9); o,p-DDE<LOD (<LOD66.3); p,p-DDE<LOD (<LOD112.3); p,p-DDD<LOD (<LOD40.4); endosulfan 1<LOD (<LOD58.5)
Serum TSH, total T3, fT4 Farmworkers had higher total T3 (β=1.1; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.1) than non-farmworkers. Higher γ-chlordane was associated with increased TSH levels (β=1.3; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.5), whereas higher dieldrin was associated with increased fT4 (β=0.9; 95% CI: 0.9, 1.0). Higher γ-chlordane (β=1.1; 95% CI: 1.0, 1.1), β-HCH (β=1.1; 95% CI: 1.0, 1.1), heptachlor epoxide B (β=1.1; 95% CI: 1.0, 1.2), trans-nonachlor (β=1.1; 95% CI: 1.0, 1.2), p,p-DDE (β=1.03; 95% CI: 1.0, 1.1), and endosulfan 2 (β=1.1; 95% CI: 1.0, 1.3) were associated with increased total T3. AChE and BChE inhibitions were not associated with thyroid hormones.
  8. Hernández-Mariano et al.193 2017/Mexico 430 pregnant women living in a floriculture area Prospective cohort OCs Serum DDE during pregnancy Mean±SD (ng/g lipid) p,p-DDE=111.75±140.20 Serum TSH, total T3, fT3, total T4, fT4 Women with >LOQ DDE concentrations had higher total T3 levels (β=0.2; 95% CI: 0.06, 0.3) than those with <LOQ. Mostly null associations of serum DDE with total and free T4 and TSH levels.
  9. Londoño et al.194 2018/Colombia 819 farmworkers and their partners from plantain and coffee farms Cross-sectional OCs, OPs Serum chlorpyrifos, DDT, DDE, endosulfan, HCB, aldrin, endrin, heptachlor, methoxychlor, chlordane Median (range) (ng/mL):
Heptachlor=1.31(0.119.48); p,p-DDE=8.3(NA)
Serum TSH, fT4
Higher p,p-DDE (OR=3.8; 95% CI: 1.6, 9.2), heptachlor (OR=1.7; 95% CI: 1.0, 3.2), endosulfan 1 (OR=6.2; 95% CI: 1.6, 24.8), and 3 OCs in blood ( OR=1.8; 95% CI:1.1, 3.3) were associated with increased odds of subclinical hypothyroidism. Null associations of chlorpyrifos concentrations and hypothyroidism.
Studies on OPs or CBs
 Studies in children
  10. Phillips et al.195 2021/Ecuador 80 adolescents (12–17 years of age) living in agricultural areas Cross-sectional OPs Questionnaire
Blood AChE
Not applicable Serum TSH, fT4 Lower AChE activity was marginally associated with increased fT4 levels (β per SD decrease in AChE activity=0.03, 90% CI: 0.00, 0.06), but not with TSH (β=0.01, 90% CI: 0.38, 0.36). In girls, lower AChE activity was associated with increased fT4 levels (β=0.05, 90% CI: 0.01, 0.10) and decreased TSH levels (β=0.51, 90% CI: 1.00, 0.02). Null associations were observed in boys.
 Studies in adults
  11. Lacasaña et al.196 2010/Mexico 136 male floriculture workers Prospective cohort OPs Questionnaire (occupational and residential exposure history)
Urinary DAPs
Mean±SD (μg/g creatinine):
Rainy season: ΣDMP=1.5±29.0; ΣDEP=0.3±0.9; ΣDAP=2.0±29.1; DDE=6.2±18.2 ng/mL
Dry season: ΣDMP=0.3±0.9; ΣDEP=0.1±0.4; ΣDAP=0.5±1.0; DDE=4.7±20.4 ng/mL
Serum TSH, total T3, total T4 Higher ΣDMP (β=0.2; 95% CI: 0.1, 0.3), ΣDEP (β=0.3; 95% CI: 0.1, 0.4), and ΣDAP (β=0.3; 95% CI: 0.1, 0.4) were associated with increased TSH levels. Higher ΣDMP (β=0.2; 95% CI: 0.1, 0.3) and ΣDAP (β=0.2; 95% CI: 0.1, 0.3) were associated with increased total T4 levels. Null associations were observed for total T3.
  12. Lacasaña et al.197 2010/Mexico 136 male floriculture workers Prospective cohort OPs Questionnaire (occupational and residential exposure history)
Urinary DAPs
Mean±SD (μg/g creatinine):
Rainy season: ΣDMP=1.5±29.0; ΣDEP=0.3±0.9; ΣDAP=2.0±29.1; DDE=6.2±18.2 ng/mL
Dry season: ΣDMP=0.3±0.9; ΣDEP=0.1±0.4; ΣDAP=0.5±1.0; DDE=4.7±20.4 ng/mL
Serum TSH, total T3, total T4 Interaction between PON1192RR and ΣDAP on TSH (β=0.3; 95% CI: 0.05, 0.6) and total T3 (β=0.1; 95% CI: 0.0, 0.2) levels, and between PON1192RR and ΣDMP on TSH (β=0.3; 95% CI: 0.02, 0.5). No interaction between PON155 polymorphism and DAP metabolite concentrations on hormone levels.
  13. Miranda-Contreras et al.200 2013/Venezuelac 64 male farmworkers/35 controls Cross-sectional OPs, CBs Questionnaire (occupational exposure history)
Blood AChE, BChE
Not applicable Serum TSH, fT4 Null associations of serum hormones with cholinesterase levels.
  14. Torres-Sanchez et al.199 2019/Mexico 381 pregnant women living in a floricultural area Cross-sectional OPs Questionnaire (para-occupational exposure history)
Urinary DAPs in a subsample
Median total DAPs (μmol/g creatinine):
Para-occupationally exposed=1.16; non–para-occupationally exposed=0.83 (data not shown in tables)
Serum TSH, fT4 Null associations of para-occupational exposure to OP pesticides and urinary DAPs with hypothyroxinemia. No interaction was observed between pesticides para-occupational exposure and PON1 polymorphisms.
  15. Bernieri et al.198 2019/Brazil 46 rural farmworkers/27 controls Cross-sectional OPs, CBs Questionnaire (occupational exposure history)
Blood BChEe
Not applicable Serum fT4, total T3, TSH Farmworkers had lower TSH (p<0.10) but higher total T3 and fT4 (p<0.01 for each) than controls.
Studies on other pesticides or multiple pesticide classes
 Studies in adults
  16. Santos et al.201 2019/Brazilc 122 individuals living in small farms Cross-sectional Multiple pesticide classes Questionnaire (occupational, residential, and seasonal exposure history) Not applicable Serum TSH, total T3, fT3, total T4, fT4 Use of dithiocarbamate fungicides in the past week (34%; 95% CI: 54, 6) and no use of full PPE during the last pesticide application (34%; 95% CI: 55, 2) was associated with decreased TSH levels. Use of cyhalothrin in the past week was associated with decreased fT4 (11%; 95% CI: 19, 1) and total T4 (7%; 95% CI: 20, 9), whereas use of paraquat in the past week was associated with decreased fT3 (9%; 95% CI: 16, 1). Lifetime use (>20 y) of OP pesticides was associated with decreased fT4 (11%; 95% CI: 20, 1) and total T4 ( 11%; 95% CI: 19, 3). Lifetime use (1–20 y) of mancozeb was associated with decreased total T4 (9%; 95% CI: 16, 1) and fT3 (7%; 95% CI: 12, 2).

Note: AChE, acetylcholinesterase; BChE, butyrylcholinesterase; CBs, carbamate pesticides; CI, confidence interval; CPO, chlorpyrifos; DAP, dialkylphosphate; DDD, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane; DDE, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene; DDT, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; DEP, diethylphosphate; DETP, diethylthiophosphate; DM, dimethyl; DMDTP, dimethyldithiophosphate; DMP, dimethylphosphate; HCB, hexa-chlorobenzene; fT3, free triiodothyronine; fT4; free thyroxine; HCH, hexa-chlorocyclohexane; LOD, limit of detection; OC, organochlorine; OP, organophosphate; OR, odds ratio; P, percentile; PON1, paraoxonase-1; PPE, personal protective equipment; T3, triiodothyronine; T4, thyroxine; TGAb, thyroglobulin antibodies; TPOAb, thyroid peroxidase antibodies; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.


Also included in Table 8 (birth outcomes and child growth).


Also included in Table 3 (neurobehavioral outcomes).


Also included in Table 7 (reproductive outcomes).


Also included in Table 9 (other health effects).


Investigators did not use exposure biomarker concentrations in multivariate analyses.