Table 7.
Characteristics of Latin American and the Caribbean studies on pesticide exposure and reproductive outcomes published between 2007 and 2021 ().
Study | Year of publication/country | Population and sample size | Study design | Pesticides assessed | Exposure assessment method | Pesticide or metabolite concentrations | Health effect and assessment method/instrument | Results |
Studies on OCs | ||||||||
1. Bastos et al.204 | 2013/Brazil | 15 women seeking help for infertility treatment/21 women spontaneously pregnant | Case–control | OCs | Questionnaire (occupational and reproductive history). Serum HCB, DDT, DDE, DDD |
(): Fertile women: ; ; Infertile women: ; ; |
Fertility | Infertile women had higher detectable serum DDE concentrations than fertile women (). |
2. Blanco-Muñoz et al.202 | 2012/Mexico | 84 male floriculture workers | Prospective cohort | OCs | Questionnaire (occupational history) Serum DDE |
Median (range) (): Rainy season: Dry season: |
Serum FSH, LH, prolactin, testosterone, estradiol, inhibin B | -DDE concentrations were negatively associated with prolactin (; 95% CI: , ) and testosterone (; 95% CI: , 0.01), but positively associated with inhibin B (; 95% CI: 0.02, 0.21). Null associations of -DDE with FSH, LH, or estradiol. |
3. Freire et al.203 | 2014/Brazil | 604 men and women living near an abandoned pesticide factory | Cross-sectional | OCs | Questionnaire (residential exposure history) Serum HCH, HCB, chlordane, trans-nonachlor, heptachlor, DDT, DDE, DDD, endosulfan, aldrin, endrin, dieldrin, methoxychlor, mirex |
Median (P25–P75) (): Premenopausal women: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; [] Peri-/postme nopausal women: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Men: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; |
Serum testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, LH, FSH | Higher heptachlor and -DDT were associated with decreased testosterone levels among men (; 95% CI: , , and ; 95% CI: , , respectively). Among peri-/postmenopausal women, higher aldrin was associated with increased estradiol levels (; 95% CI: 0.001, 0.01), but decreased LH (; 95% CI: , ) and FSH (; 95% CI: , ) levels. Higher -DDD and endosulfan 1 were associated with decreased LH (; 95% CI: , , and ; 95% CI: , , respectively) and FSH (; 95% CI: , ; ; 95% CI: , , respectively) levels. Higher HCB (; 95% CI: , ), -DDT (; 95% CI: , ), endosulfan 2 (; 95% CI: , ), and mirex (; 95% CI: , ) were also associated with decreased LH levels among this group of women. Among premenopausal women, no associations were found. |
4. Ayhan et al.189 | 2021/Guadeloupea,b | 285 mother–child (7 years of age) pairs | Prospective cohort | OCs | Cord and child blood chlordecone, cord blood DDE | Median (P25–P75) (): Cord blood chlordecone: , ; child chlordecone: , ; cord blood DDE: , |
Serum DHEA, TT, DHT, estradiol | Third quartile of cord blood chlordecone was associated with elevated DHEA ( for ; 95% CI: 0.1, 1.0; for ; 95% CI: 0, 0.7), TT (OR for ; 95% CI: 1.1, 9.6; OR for ; 95% CI: 1.3, 8.2), and DHT (OR for ; 95% CI: 1.3, 10.6; OR for ; 95% CI: 1.0, 10.2) levels in boys and girls, relative to first quartile of cord blood chlordecone. |
Studies on OPs or CBs | ||||||||
5. Recio-Vega et al.209 | 2008/Mexico | 19 sprayer farmworkers/16 non-sprayer farmworkers/17 non-farmworkers | Prospective cohort | OPs | Questionnaire (occupational, residential, and seasonal exposure histories). Urinary DAPs |
total DAPs (ppb): Farmworkers but not OP Sprayers exposed to |
Semen quality | Sprayer farmworkers had lower sperm volume (, ) and lower sperm count (, ) than non-farmworkers. During low exposure period, non-sprayer farmworkers had lower rapid progressive motility (, ). During medium exposure period sprayer farmworkers had lower sperm volume (, ). During high exposure period, seminal parameters were similar among all groups. Sperm vitality was lower at higher levels of DMDTP (, ). No other seminal parameters were associated with DAP levels. |
6. Yucra et al.208 | 2008/Peru | 31 male farmworkers/31 controls | Cross-sectional | OPs | Questionnaire (occupational exposure history) Urinary DAPs |
(): Nonexposed: ; ; ; ; ; Exposed: ; ; ; ; ; |
Semen quality Serum testosterone, estradiol, FSH, LH |
Higher concentrations of ethylated OP metabolites were associated with lower seminal volume (), whereas higher concentrations of methylated OP metabolites were associated with higher seminal pH (). After controlling for ethylated OP metabolites, exposure to pesticides (yes/no) was associated with increased seminal pH (). After controlling for methylated OP metabolites, exposure to pesticides (yes/no) was associated with increased seminal pH () and decreased seminal fructose levels (). Null associations of pesticide exposure and serum hormone levels. |
7. Blanco-Muñoz et al.207 | 2010/Mexico | 104 male floriculture workers | Cross-sectional | OPs | Questionnaire (occupational exposure history) Urinary DAPs |
Median (range) ( creatinine): Low exposure: ; ; ; ; ; ; Medium exposure: ; ; ; ; ; ; total High exposure: ; ; ; ; ; ; |
Serum FSH, LH, prolactin, testosterone, inhibin B, estradiol | Higher DMP (; 95% CI: , ), DEP (; 95% CI: , ), DETP (; 95% CI: , ) and total DAP (; 95%CI: , ) concentrations were associated with decreased inhibin B levels. Higher DEP concentrations were associated with decreased FSH (; 95% CI: , ). Higher DEP (; 95% CI: , 0.004) and total DAP (; 95% CI: 0.000005, 0.0003) concentrations marginally associated with increased testosterone levels. Higher DETP marginally was associated with decreased LH levels (; 95% CI: , 0.0001). |
8. Cecchi et al.26 | 2012/Argentinaa | 97 pregnant women living in a rural area with intensive use of pesticides | Prospective cohort | OPs | Questionnaire (residential exposure history) Blood AChE and BChE |
Not applicable | Serum progesterone (measured during spray and prespray season) | Higher AChE activity was associated with increased progesterone levels (; ). |
9. Miranda-Contreras et al.200 | 2013/Venezuelab | 64 male farmworkers/35 controls | Cross-sectional | OPs, CBs | Questionnaire (occupational exposure history) Blood AChE and BChE |
Not applicable | Semen quality Sperm chromatin integrity (DFI) Serum testosterone, FSH, LH, PRL |
Farmworkers had higher seminal pH () and lower percentage of live sperm () than controls. Farmworkers with decreased BChE activity had higher DFI (, ). Null associations of serum hormones with cholinesterase levels. |
10. Aguilar-Garduño et al.205 | 2013/Mexico | 136 male floricultural workers | Prospective cohort | OPs | Urinary DAPs | Median (GM) total DAPs ( creatinine): ; |
Serum FSH, LH, prolactin, testosterone, estradiol, inhibin B | Higher total DAP concentrations were associated with increased FSH and prolactin levels ( for each) and decreased testosterone () and inhibin B levels (). |
11. Silvia et al.210 | 2020/Argentinac | 53 pregnant women living in areas with intensive pesticide application | Cross-sectional | OPs, CBs | Questionnaire (residential exposure history) Blood AChE, BChEd |
Not applicable | Plasma estradiol, progesterone (measured during spray and non-spray season) | Progesterone and estradiol levels did not differ between spray and non-spray seasons. |
Studies on other pesticides or multiple pesticide classes | ||||||||
12. Sanin et al.211 | 2009/Colombia | 2,592 fertile women from regions with different levels of aerial glyphosate spraying | Retrospective cohort | Glyphosate | Questionnaire (residential and occupational exposure history) Ecological exposure index (different levels of exposure according to agricultural practices) |
Not applicable | TTP | Reduced fecundability was not associated with aerial glyphosate spraying. |
13. Rojas and Guevara212 | 2014/Venezuela | 180 women of reproductive age | Cross-sectional | Multiple pesticide classes | Questionnaire (occupational exposure history) | Not applicable | Menstrual cycle and bleeding duration | Women who were occupationally exposed to pesticides had longer menstrual cycles than women who did not have contact with pesticides (). Null association between bleeding duration and pesticide exposure. |
14. Miranda-Contreras et al.213 | 2015/Venezuela | 64 male farmworkers/64 controls | Cross-sectional | Multiple pesticide classes | Questionnaire (occupational exposure history) | Not applicable | Semen quality Sperm chromatin integrity (DFI) |
Farmworkers had decreased sperm concentration (), vitality (), slow progressive motility (), lower sperm membrane integrity (), and high DFI () compared with controls. |
15. Cremonese et al.214 | 2017/Brazil | 99 rural young men/36 urban young men | Cross-sectional | Multiple pesticide classes | Questionnaire (residential, occupational, and reproductive exposure history) Blood AChE and BChE |
Not applicable | Semen quality Genital measurements (AGD, TV) Serum testosterone, LH, FSH, SHBG, prolactin |
Rural men had decreased normal sperm morphology (; 95% CI: 0.6, 0.9), increased sperm count (; 95% CI: 1.01, 2.5), increased TV (; 95% CI: 1.1, 1.5), decreased LH levels (; 95% CI: 0.7, 1.0) and increased T:LH ratio (; 95% CI: 1.1, 1.6) compared with urban men. Farmers who had y working had decreased T:LH ratio (; 95% CI: 0.7, 1.0) and decreased TV (; 95% CI: 0.8, 1.0) (); who had y handling pesticides had decreased LH levels (; 95% CI: 0.7, 1.0), increased T:LH ratio (; 95% CI: 1.1, 1.4), lower normal morphology (; 95% CI: 0.6, 0.9) and increased TV (; 95% CI: 1.1, 1.4) (Ref ), and who had d/y handling pesticides had increased LH levels (; 95% CI: 1.0, 1.4) and lower normal morphology (; 95% CI: 0.8, 1.0) (). Those farmworkers who used pesticides in the high use season had increased prolactin levels (; 95% CI: 1.2, 1.7), and those who did not use PPE had decreased testosterone levels (; 95% CI: 0.8, 1.0) and TV (; 95% CI: 0.8, 1.0). Maternal farming during pregnancy was associated with increased AGD (; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.1) and TV (; 95% CI: 1.02, 1.3). Cholinesterase activities were not associated with reproductive hormones or semen quality. |
16. Santos et al.201 | 2019/Brazilb | 122 farmworkers and their families | Cross-sectional | Multiple pesticide classes | Questionnaire (occupational, residential, and seasonal exposure history) | Not applicable | Serum LH, testosterone, estradiol, LH, FSH | Recent use of fungicides in general (; 95% CI: 11, 80), (59%; 95% CI: 13, 123), and phthalimide (95%; 95% CI: 37, 176) was associated with increased LH levels in men. Working in agriculture (1–30 y) was associated with increased testosterone levels in men (20%; 95% CI: 2, 40) (reference group never worked in agriculture). |
Note: %change, percentage change; AChE, acetylcholinesterase; AGD, anogenital distance; BChE, butyrylcholinesterase; CBs, carbamate pesticides; CE, carboxylesterases; CI, confidence interval; DAP, dialkylphosphate; DDD, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane; DDE, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene; DDT, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; DEDTP, Diethyldithiophosphate; DEP, diethylphosphate; DETP, diethylthiophosphate; DFI, fragmentation Index; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; DHT, dihydrotestosterone; DMDTP, dimethyldithiophosphate; DMP, dimethylphosphate; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; GSD, geometric standard deviation; HCB, hexa-chlorobenzene; IQR, interquartile range; LH, luteinizing hormone; LOD, limit of detection; OC, organochlorine; OP, organophosphate; P, percentile; PPE, personal protective equipment; PRL, Prolactin; Ref, reference group; SD, standard deviation; SHBG, sex hormone-binding globulin; T:LH, testosterone/luteinizing hormone ratio; TT, total testosterone; TTP, time to pregnancy; TV, testis volume.
Also included in Table 9 (other health outcomes).
Also included in Table 6 (thyroid function).
Also included in Table 8 (birth size and child growth).
Investigators did not use exposure biomarker concentrations in multivariate analyses.