Table 8.
Characteristics of Latin American and the Caribbean studies on pesticide exposure and birth size and child growth published between 2007 and 2021 ().
Study | Year of publication/country | Population and sample size | Study design | Pesticides assessed | Exposure assessment method | Pesticide or metabolite concentrations | Health effect and assessment method/instrument | Results |
Studies on OCs | ||||||||
1. Cupul-Uicab et al.215 | 2010/Mexico | 788 mother–children (13–43 months of age, boys only) pairs from an area where DDT was recently used | Prospective cohort | OCs | Questionnaire (residential and seasonal exposure at prenatal period) Maternal serum DDT and DDE at delivery |
Median (IQR) () |
Weight, height | Null associations of prenatal DDT exposure with height and BMI in boys up to 43 months of age. |
2. Garced et al.216 | 2012/Mexico | 253 mother–child (0–12 months of age) pairs | Prospective cohort | OCs | Maternal serum DDE in each trimester of pregnancy |
() -DDE: ; ; -DDT: ; ; |
Weight, length, head circumference during the first year of life | Null associations between prenatal DDE exposure and child growth during the first year of life. |
3. Kadhel et al.220 | 2014/Guadeloupe | 818 mother–newborn pairs | Prospective cohort | OCs | Cord blood chlordecone and DDE | Median (P25–P75) () ; . |
Length of gestation, preterm birth | Higher cord blood chlordecone concentrations were associated with shorter length of gestation ( per 10-fold wk; 95% CI: , 0) and increased risk of preterm birth (; 95% CI: 1.0, 2.3). Null associations of cord blood DDE with birth outcomes. |
4. Costet et al.222 | 2015/Guadeloupe | 222 mother–child (3–18 months of age) pairs | Prospective cohort | OCs | Questionnaire (dietary intake of food contaminated with chlordecone) Cord plasma and breast milk (3 months of age) chlordecone |
Median (IQR) (): ; |
Body length, weight, BMI at 3, 8, and 18 months of age | Highest tertile of cord blood chlordecone was associated with higher BMI in boys at 3 months of age (; 95% CI: 0, 1.8) and in girls at 8 (; 95% CI: 0, 1.5) and 18 (; 95% CI: , 1.4) months of age. |
5. Arrebola et al.188 | 2016/Boliviaa | 200 mother–newborn pairs from an agricultural area | Cross-sectional | OCs | Questionnaire (residential exposure history) Cord blood DDT and DDE |
Median (P25–P75) ( lipid) |
Birth weight, head circumference, birth length, ponderal index, length of gestation | Higher cord blood -DDT was associated with lower birth weight (; 95% CI: , ), whereas higher -DDE was associated with higher birth weight (; 95% CI: 0.003, 0.02). Higher cord blood -DDE was also associated with shorter gestation length ( [95% CI: , ). Higher -DDT was associated with smaller head circumference (; 95% CI: , 0). |
6. Motta et al.217 | 2016/Brazil | 40 mother–newborn pairs living in a rural area | Cross-sectional | OCs | Questionnaire (residential, occupational, and domestic exposure history) Maternal blood (at delivery) and cord blood DDT, DDE, HCH, HCB, chlordane |
Data not shown | Birth weight, head circumference, birth length | Null associations of maternal and newborn contamination indices (calculated using both metal and pesticide concentrations) with birth outcomes (). |
7. Hervé et al.221 | 2016/Guadeloupe | 593 mother–newborn pairs | Prospective Cohort | OCs | Cord blood chlordecone and DDE | Median (P25–P75) () ; |
Birth weight | Among mothers in the highest quartile of GWG, newborns with low and medium cord blood chlordecone concentrations had greater mean reduction in birth weight, compared with those with low cord blood chlordecone (; 95% CI: , , and ; 95% CI: , 20, respectively). |
Studies on OPs or CBs | ||||||||
8. Chiapella et al.172 | 2014/Argentinab | 46 mother–newborn pairs from a rural area/24 mother–newborn pairs from an urban area (controls) | Cross-sectional | OPs | Questionnaire (residential and seasonal exposure history) Placental CEc |
Not applicable | Birth weight, birth length, head circumference, ponderal index, length of gestation | No differences in fetal growth measurements between exposure groups. |
9. Rivero Osimani et al.169 | 2016/Argentinab | 43 mother–newborn pairs from a rural area (RG)/20 mother–newborn pairs from an urban area (controls) | Cross-sectional | OPs | Questionnaire (residential and seasonal exposure history) Placental CEc |
Not applicable | Birth weight, birth length, head circumference, length of gestation | Mean birth weight was lower in RG-SS (difference of 9.6%; ) and RG-NSS (difference of 7.8%; ) compared with the control group. No differences in other birth outcomes between exposure groups. |
10. Quintana et al.54 | 2017/Argentinaa,b,e | 151 mother–newborn pairs living in a rural area/38 mother–newborn pairs from an urban area (controls) | Cross-sectional | OPs | Questionnaire (residential and seasonal exposure history) Cord blood AChE, BChE |
Not applicable | Birth weight, birth length, head circumference, length of gestation | Mean birth weight was lower in cesarean RG-SS than cesarean control group (difference of 14%; ). No differences in other birth outcomes between exposure groups. Null associations of cord blood AChE with birth outcomes. |
11. Silvia et al.210 | 2020/Argentina | 53 mother–newborn pairs living in areas with intensive pesticide application | Cross-sectional | OPs, CBs | Questionnaire (residential exposure history) Blood AChE, BChEc |
Not applicable | Birth weight, birth length, head circumference, preterm birth, intrauterine growth retardation | No differences in birth weight, length, head circumference, head circumference/weight ratio, and ponderal index between children born during SS and those born during NSS. |
Studies on other pesticides or multiple pesticide classes | ||||||||
12. Mora et al.218 | 2015/Costa Rica | 380 mother–newborn pairs living near banana plantations | Prospective cohort | Mn-containing fungicides | Maternal blood and hair Mn in each trimester of pregnancy |
: ; |
Birth weight, birth length, head circumference, chest circumference, ponderal index, length of gestation | Hair Mn during the second and third trimesters of gestation were associated with chest circumference ( per 10-fold ; (95% CI: 0.2, 1.1), and ; 95% CI: , 1.3, respectively). Null associations between blood Mn and birth outcomes. |
13. Cecchi et al.219 | 2021/Argentina | 418 rural mother–newborn pairs living in proximity to intensive pesticide application/358 urban mother–child pairs | Prospective cohort | Multiple pesticides | Questionnaire (previous history of pesticide exposure and residential pesticide exposure) | Not applicable | Birth weight, birth length, head circumference | No differences in birth weight between groups. Birth length () and head circumference () -scores were lower in exposed group than in unexposed group. |
Note: AChE, acetylcholinesterase; BChE, butyrylcholinesterase; BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; DDE, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene; DDT, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; GWG, gestational weight gain; HCB, hexa-chlorobenzene; HCH, hexa-chlorocyclohexane; HR, hazard ratio; NSS, non-spraying season; Mn, manganese; OC, organochlorine; OP, organophosphate; OR, odds ratio; RG, rural group; SS, spraying season.
Also included in Table 6 (thyroid function).
Also included in Table 4 (placental outcomes and teratogenicity).
Investigators did not use exposure biomarker concentrations in multivariate analyses.
Also included in Table 2 (genotoxicity).
Also included in Table 9 (other health effects).