Fig 1. Kinetics of caspase-8 promoter methylation and expression.
(A) Levels of caspase-8 mRNA at different time points post-scratch wound (fold change) (n = 4). (B) In vitro ISH of caspase-8 mRNA showing its levels at scratch margins over time [scale = 10 μm]. (C) In vivo ISH of caspase-8 mRNA showing its levels at wound proximal and distal regions over time (dotted line represents basement membrane, Epi = Epidermis, Der = Dermis) [scale = 20 μm]. (D) Bisulphite sequencing of caspase-8 promoter proximal region (265 bp) shows methylation status of 10 individual CpG sites (columns) from 10 cloned PCR products (rows) at various time points post-scratch wound. Percentage value denotes the percent methylation for each group of CpG sites over time (refer S1D Fig for the sequenced region and primer sites, n = 5 with 2 technical replicates). (Data are shown as mean ± SEM, P-values were calculated using 1-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s test and 2-tailed t test (A), *** P ≤ 0.001, ns = P > 0.05). Data underlying the graphs can be found in Fig 1A of S1 Raw Data.