Genetic interaction of CsOVATE and CsHEC1 during fruit neck elongation in cucumber. (A–C) Fruit morphology of WT, Cshec1#1, Cshec1#1 Csovate#1, Csovate#1, CsHEC1-OE#4, and CsHEC1-OE#4/Csovate#1 at 0 DPP (A), 10 DPP (B), and 40 DPP (C). The brackets indicate the fruit neck and the double arrows represent the measured FNL. (Scale bars, 2 cm.) (D) Quantification of FNLs in the indicated lines at maturity. Values are means ± SD (n = 7). The different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) by one-way ANOVA analysis with Duncan’s test.