Fig. 7. Aberrant alternative splicing in Zrsr2m/mTet2−/− LSK cells targets the MAPK pathway.
a Number of significant aberrant splicing events in Zrsr2m/m, Tet2−/−, and Zrsr2m/m Tet2−/− LSK cells (P value ≤ 0.01, FDR ≤ 0.05). b Validation of relevant aberrant splicing events identified by RNA-seq using RT- PCR. Sashimi plots showing an IR event in Dusp1, an ES event in Tgfbr2, and an A3SS event in Fgf11. c Protein-protein interactions among MAPK-related targets were retrieved from STRING. Line thickness represents interaction confidence and edges indicate both functional and physical protein associations. Relevant mis-spliced targets identified in this study (in bold) converge in the MAPK14 (red).