embryonic or early
postnatal brains |
most closely express the markers and
perform the functions
of their tissue of origin |
limited availability |
dissection and preparation
require substantial skills |
well-established culturing protocols are available |
heterogeneous neuronal cell types |
no genetic modifications |
possible changes in
cell types and numbers over time |
Cell Lines336,337
mainly derived from tumors or genetically immortalized
(e.g., PC12, NG 108, NIE) |
offer an unlimited cell source |
abnormal genotype of tumor-derived cells |
generate single cell types |
might be functionally
incomplete or different from in vivo
and primary neurons |
Fetal Neuronal Stem Cells337
aborted fetus brains |
no genetic modifications |
ethical issues associated
with abortion |
naturally primed
for neuronal fate |
Adult Neuronal Stem Cells338
zone (SVZ) of lateral ventricle and subgranular
zone (SGZ) of hippocampal dentate gyrus |
no genetic modifications |
difficult to obtain |
ethical issues are avoided |
limited source of cells |
naturally primed for neuronal fate |
highly sensitive to chemical and mechanical manipulations |
blastocysts inner
cell mass (mainly obtained from embryos produced
for in vitro fertilization) |
extensively characterized
biological features and differentiation
paradigms |
ethical issues due to destruction of embryos |
ESCs in differentiated
NSCs may form teratomas |
reprogrammed adult human or rodent cells (e.g., skin fibroblasts)42,43
ethical issues are avoided |
genomic instability may
be induced by reprogramming |
can be differentiated to desired neuronal cell types |
might be functionally incomplete or different from in vivo
and primary neurons |
unlimited source of cells |