Extended Data Fig. 3. Increase in power with increase in population diversity.
The scatter plot shows the number of loci identified with incremental increase in sample size and population diversity. The diagonal line reflects the increase in number of genome-wide significant loci with increasing sample size of European ancestry only. The increase in number of loci departs from this line when adding non-European ancestry samples; EUR: European; EAS: East Asian; AFR: African; HIS: Hispanic; SAS: South Asian; BBJ: Biobank Japan; CKB: China Kadoorie Biobank. Strat0_EUR: N = 22,634 stroke cases (European population-based longitudinal cohorts); Strat1_Strat0&EUR: N = 26,253 stroke cases, adding Spanish and Estonian samples; Strat2_Strat1&EUR: N = 32,980 stroke cases, adding German and Dutch samples; Strat3_Strat2&EUR: N = 42,783, adding large European biobanks; Strat4_Strat3&EUR: N = 73,652 stroke cases, adding MEGASTROKE European; Strat5_Strat4&EAS: N = 91,303 stroke cases, adding Japanese BBJ; Strat6_Strat5&EAS: N = 99,661 stroke cases, adding Chinese CKB; Strat7_Strat6&EAS: N = 101,065 stroke cases, adding other East Asian samples; Strat8_Strat7&AFR: N = 105,026 stroke cases, adding African ancestry samples; Strat9_Strat8&HIS: N = 106,542 stroke cases, adding South American ancestry samples; Strat10_Strat9&SAS, N = 110,182 stroke cases, adding South Asian ancestry samples.