Fig. 9. Differential gene expression and nitrogen fixation rate at P-VI of the Synechococcus and heterotrophic bacteria coculture system.
(A) GSEA of the significantly up-regulated genes at P-VI [P = 0.05, number of permutation (nPerm) = 10,000]. Heatmap representation of expression levels for differentially expressed transcripts (log2 fold change, adjusted P value of 0.05) related to (B) inorganic phosphorus mineralization and (C) the nitrogen cycle processes. (D) Changes in δ15N incorporation in PN and DN in the coculture system over 48 hours. CC-I and CC-II represent cocultures I and II with the addition of the 15N tracer. The accompanying dashed line represents the control set (without the addition of the 15N tracer) for CC-I and CC-II, respectively. (E) Nitrogen fixation rates (after subtracting their respective controls) within the PN and DN pools of CC-I and CC-II upon incubation for 48 hours. Each data point is an average of two replicates, with error bars showing the standard error of the mean. CC-I, coculture I; CC-II, coculture II.