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. 2022 Sep 17;4(5):fcac236. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcac236

Table 2.

Clusters showed significant grey/white matter volume differences between MDD patients and HCs

Anatomical regiona Side MNI coordinatesb Cluster size P-value
x y z
 THA L −8 −6 4 1112 <0.001
 AMYG R 21 0 −15 353 0.001
 HIP R 18 −9 −15 265 0.001
 PHG L −20 −26 −18 516 0.002
 PHG R 14 0 −18 407 0.002
 THA R 10 −9 7 328 0.005
 STG R 65 −20 12 2480 0.005
 INS L −32 24 0 1345 0.005
 HES R 39 −24 9 528 0.005
 ORBinf L −21 18 −14 583 0.006
 PUT L −24 17 6 187 0.006
 REC R 2 51 −18 551 0.007
 OLF L −20 6 −12 391 0.007
 SMG R 56 −33 27 672 0.008
 INS R 39 11 2 2259 0.009
 REC L 0 49 −18 925 0.009
 ORBsupmed R 9 51 −12 768 0.009
 ACG L −4 35 −9 423 0.009
 MTG R 66 −22 −3 160 0.010
 STG L −60 −17 9 1731 0.017
 MFG L −33 50 1 280 0.017
 HES L −51 −16 10 299 0.018
 TPOmid R 21 12 −36 522 0.019
 ORBmid L −39 45 0 193 0.019
 FFG R 28 5 −41 687 0.021
 SFGdor L −16 50 34 808 0.027
 MTG L −63 −33 2 382 0.035
 THA R 10 −22 9 613 0.004
 THA L −6 −15 10 431 0.006
 PreCG R 32 −19 57 1192 0.010
 PreCG L −28 −22 55 625 0.015
 PoCG L −26 −40 48 608 0.017
 SMA R 9 −27 58 446 0.017
 PCL R 6 −30 61 330 0.018
 PCUN L −15 −42 60 244 0.018
 DCG L −14 −16 45 214 0.021
 CAU R 16 −18 21 397 0.022
 IFGoperc R 36 8 30 128 0.029
 SFGdor R 15 11 54 302 0.030
 PoCG R 30 −27 60 217 0.031
 ACG L −3 35 −2 180 0.031
 STG R 56 −24 1 862 0.034

GMV, grey matter volume; HC, healthy control; L, left; MDD, major depressive disorder; R, right; WMV, white matter volume.


For full names of these abbreviations from AAL atlas, see Supplementary Table 1.


The MNI coordinates of the voxel with maximum statistical significance for identified clusters. Each cluster was represented by a coordinate of the peak voxel in this cluster.