Appendix 1—figure 2. Exemplary images of the localization of fusions proteins.
Localization along the root axis. Shown is the localization of AHA2-GFP, BIR3-GFP and BRI1-GFP, expressed under the respective native promoter in the respective mutant background (5-days-old seedlings). Col-0 (top) served as control. From top to bottom: GFP channel; transmitted light (trans). As reported before the amount of BRI1-GFP did not alter much (see Figure 3C; van Esse et al., 2012). In addition, for BIR3-GFP a homogenous fluorescence was observed, as well (see Figure 3C). In contrast, there was a gradient of AHA2-GFP fluorescence intensity along the root axis, being comparatively low in the meristematic zone (MZ) but high in the elongation zone (EZ) / maturation zone (see Figure 3C). Images were taken with a SP8 laser scanning microscope (Leica Microsystems GmbH) under the use of the HC PL APO CS2 63 x/1.20 WATER objective. For all images, the same settings were used: Argon Laser: 30%. For GFP excitation: 488 nm laser line (with adequate laser power to avoid saturation of the signal). GFP fluorescence was detected by an HyD detector between 500 nm – 550 nm (190 V gain, –0.01 offset). PMT Trans was used to detect transmitted light (217 V gain, offset off). By an XY-dimension of 1024x512 px and a scan speed of 200 Hz, the zoom factor was 0.75. For better visibility, the intensity values were adjusted as followed: 0–75 (AHA2) for GFP channel and 0–85 for all transmitted light channels. Scale bar represents 25 µm and applies to all partial images.