Table 1.
Vaccine Objective | ||||
Element | Advocacy | Regulatory/Licensure | Policy and Post-Licensure Evaluation | Financing |
Stage of vaccine pipeline | All stages | Pre-licensure and licensure/pre-qualification stages, with some continuation for post-licensure commitments | Post-licensure, but early analyses needed pre-licensure period | Required for post-licensure decision making, but evidence needed pre-licensure for 5-year Vaccine Investment Strategy decision making by Gavi and others |
Key audience/stakeholders |
Data purpose |
Overarching data requirements |
Abbreviations: CSO, civil society organization; DALY, disability-adjusted life-year; EPI, Expanded Programme of Immunisation; Gavi, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; GNN, Global NITAG Network; IA2030, Immunization Agenda 2030; NITAG, National Immunization Technical Advisory Group; NRA, National Regulator Agency; QALY, quality-adjusted life-year; RITAG, Regional Immunization Technical Advisory Group; SAGE, Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization; SDG, Sustainable Development Goal; WHO, World Health Organization.