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. 2022 Sep 16;24(9):e35772. doi: 10.2196/35772

Table 1.

Participant characteristics (N=998).

Characteristics Value
Sex, n (%)

Female 536 (53.7)

Male 462 (46.3)
Age (years), n (%)

18 to <35 33 (3.3)

35 to <55 169 (16.9)

55 to <75 562 (56.3)

≥75 234 (23.4)
Spoke English at home, n (%) 8 (0.8)
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, n (%) 18 (1.8)
Education level, n (%)

Completed primary school or below 91 (9.1)

Did not complete secondary school 218 (21.8)

Completed secondary school 136 (13.6)

Trade, apprenticeship, certificate, or diploma 246 (24.6)

University 307 (30.8)
Reported long-standing conditionsa, n (%)

Arthritis 144 (14.4)

Asthma 42 (4.2)

Cancer 53 (5.3)

Cardiovascular disease or heart problems 129 (12.9)

Diabetes 84 (8.4)

Anxiety 29 (2.9)

Depression 45 (4.5)

Chronic pain 87 (8.7)
Number of long-standing conditions reportedb, n (%)

0 585 (58.6)

1 272 (27.3)

2 102 (10.2)

3 or more 39 (3.9)
Number of contacts with a health professional in the past 12 months, n (%)

12 or more 269 (27)

7 to 11 196 (19.6)

2 to 6 446 (44.7)

Once 61 (6.1)

Not at all 26 (2.6)
Self-rated health, n (%)

Excellent 170 (17)

Very good 270 (27.1)

Good 293 (29.4)

Fair 165 (16.5)

Poor 76 (7.6)

Very poor 24 (2.4)
Whether internet is used to search for health-related information, n (%)

Yes 578 (57.9)

No 420 (42.1)
eHealth Literacy Questionnaire scales (score range 1 to 4), mean (95% CI)

1. Using technology to process health information 2.34 (2.31-2.38)

2. Understanding of health concepts and language 2.93 (2.91-2.96)

3. Ability to actively engage with digital services 2.46 (2.42-2.49)

4. Feel safe and in control 2.59 (2.56-2.63)

5. Motivated to engage with digital services 2.40 (2.37-2.44)

6. Access to digital services that work 2.51 (2.48-2.54)

7. Digital services that suit individual needs 2.39 (2.35-2.42)
Health Literacy Questionnaire scales (score range 1 to 4), mean (95% CI)

1. Feeling understood and supported by health care providers 3.20 (3.10-3.20)

3. Actively managing my health 3.02 (2.99-3.05)

4. Social support for health 3.05 (3.02-3.08)
Health Literacy Questionnaire (score range 1 to 5), mean (95% CI) scale

7. Navigating the health care system 3.95 (3.90-3.99)

aParticipants might select more than one condition.

bNumber based on long-standing conditions selected by participants (range 0-8).