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. 2022 Sep 19;13:1021428. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.1021428


Summary of secondary outcomes.

Baseline (0 week) Post-intervention (12 weeks) Interaction effect Group effect Time effect ΔMeanadj [95%CI] p value
Cognitive self-report questionnaire
CON 73.0 (11.3) 75.4 (12.3) 0.119 0.215 0.713 N/A N/A
 M1 74.6 (7.5) 67.0 (5.8)
 M3 79.4 (14.3) 73.0 (13.4)
 V1 69.3 (18) 60.3 (12.5)
 V3 73.5 (15.3) 64.9 (13.4)
Cardiopulmonary VO2max test
CON 32.4 (4.1) 31.2 (3.2) <0.05 0.146 0.767
 M1 26.9 (5.1) 30.3 (5.3) M1 vs. CON 4.3 (2.9 to 5.8) <0.001
 M3 28.2 (3.8) 30.6 (4.4) M3 vs. CON 3.4 (1.9 to 4.8) <0.001
 V1 32.0 (6.0) 34.4 (5.6) V1 vs. CON 3.7 (2.3 to 5.0) <0.001
 V3 29.6 (4.5) 33.0 (4.4) V3 vs. CON 4.5 (3.1 to 5.90) <0.001
Hospital anxiety and depression scale
 Anxiety subscale
  CON 6.0 (3.5) 7.0 (3.2) <0.005 0.448 0.295
  M1 5.1 (2.8) 3.3 (2.0) M1 vs CON −3.0 (−4.5 to 1.5) <0.001
  M3 7.9 (4.5) 4.7 (3.5) M3 vs CON −3.8 (−5.3 to 2.3) <0.001
  V1 5.3 (4.1) 3.6 (2.9) V1 vs CON −2.8 (−4.2 to 1.3) <0.005
  V3 5.3 (1.7) 3.4 (2.1) V3 vs CON −3.0 (−4.5 to 1.6) <0.001
Depression subscale
CON 6.9 (3.5) 6.4 (3.2) 0.214 0.064 0.500 N/A N/A
 M1 6.3 (2.2) 4.9 (1.8)
 M3 10.9 (1.9) 8.9 (2.3)
 V1 6.3 (3.4) 4.8 (2.3)
 V3 7.5 (4.7) 5.6 (4.2)
Pittsburgh sleep quality index
CON 11.0 (3.5) 11.6 (4.2) 0.278 0.742 0.328 N/A N/A
 M1 10.9 (2.1) 9.1 (2.1)
 M3 9.7 (4.3) 7.7 (3.4)
 V1 9.9 (3.5) 6.6 (3.5)
 V3 13.1 (3.5) 9.3 (3.9)

Data are expressed as mean (standard deviation). Data were analyzed by generalized estimating equations model with baseline measurements as covariates. Closed test procedure with Holm-Bonferroni correction was used in the post hoc analysis. CON, stretching exercise control group, M1, moderate-intensity once-a-week walking group, M3, moderate-intensity thrice-a-week walking group, V1, vigorous-intensity once-a-week walking group, and V3, vigorous-intensity thrice-a-week walking group.