Figure 7.
Comparison of the binding of succinyl-phosphate and desulfo-CoA to E105αQ GTPSCS with the binding of citryl-phosphate and CoA to E599Q ACLY. The structures of E105αQ GTPSCS in (a) and E599Q ACLY in (b) are drawn from similar viewpoints. C atoms are shown in yellow and purple for the succinyl-phosphate and desulfo-CoA complex with E105αQ GTPSCS and in cyan and pink for the citryl-phosphate and CoA complex with E599Q ACLY. Other atoms are coloured according to type. The blue maps are contoured at 1σ around succinyl-phosphate, desulfo-CoA, Gln105α and His259α in (a) and at 4σ around citryl-phosphate, CoA, Gln599 and His760 in (b).