Tube implants facilitate axon formation and myelination with spinal progenitors at 4 weeks post-injury. Axon expression (NF-200+, red) and myelination (MBP+, green) is qualitatively greater in all conditions compared to SCI control (A) and E14 alone (C). Quantitatively, Tubes alone (B) and Tubes+E14 (D) had a significant increase in axon density (E) and myelinated axon (denoted by ^) density (F) over SCI and E14 only controls while E14 only had a significant increase in axon density over SCI only. Myelination source was quantified (G) with tubes and Tubes+E14 having a significantly greater number of axons myelinated from Schwann cells (MBP+P0+, green and blue). Data are represented as mean ± SEM. n=4 animals per condition, * p<0.05 (compared to SCI), ^ p<0.05 (compared to E14 only), 50 μm scale bars.