Fig. 1.
Viral DNA-load time courses were plotted for hospitalized patients with available serial measurements. A) Swabs from cutaneous lesions were taken according to established procedures; however, the exact location where swabs were taken has not been recorded. Also, swabbing procedures may entail opening a fresh lesion, which will then crust over. The indicated viral loads represent generic lesion swabs from the respective patient, not necessarily from the same lesion. (1st week: median 3.31E+07 cp/ml, range 2.19E+07 – 3.95E+07 cp/ml; 2nd week: median 3.04E+06 cp/ml, range 2.11E+05 – 5.48E+05 cp/ml). Graphs B) and C) represent oropharyngeal swabs (1st week: median 8.44E+04 cp/ml, range 6.93E+04 – 7.31E+05 cp/ml; 2nd week: median 4.04E+03 cp/ml, range 0 – 6.75E+06 cp/ml; 3rd week: median 0 cp/ml, range 0 – 2.00E+04 cp/ml) and EDTA plasma-samples (1st week: median 5.85E+02 cp/ml, range 1.58E+02 – 1.05E+03 cp/ml; 2nd week: median 7.80E+00 cp/ml, range 0 – 1.20E+03 cp/ml; 3rd week: single sample, 2.37E+01 cp/ml) respectively.