Table 1.
Core Domains for Tendinopathy Assessment (International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium Consensus 2019)35 and Specific Examples Pertaining to Patellar Tendinopathy
Core Domain for Tendinopathy |
Patellar Tendinopathy–Specific Example |
Patient rating of condition | Global rating from 0% to 100% of the patient's feeling about patellar tendinopathy status |
Activity participation | Tegner Activity Scale, Activities of Daily Living Scale |
Pain during activity, loading, or both | 100-mm Visual analog scale immediately after single-legged squat on the affected limb(s) |
Patient function | Lower Extremity Functional Scale, Lysholm Knee Scale |
Psychological factors | Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia, Pain Catastrophizing Scale |
Physical function capacity | Quadriceps strength, quadriceps flexibility, single-limb hop for distance, 6-m hop test |
Disability | Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment–Patella or Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center–Patellar Tendinopathy |
Health-related quality of life | Short Form Survey-36 |
Pain over a specific time | 100-mm Visual analog scale for pain |