FIG. 10.
The intensity [−sign(T) × log10(FDR)] of SVM accuracies between model orders. The negative intensity value in the lower triangle of the figure indicates the average feature weights of model orders in the row (x) were smaller than the ones in the column (y), and the positive intensity value in the lower triangle indicates the model orders' average feature weights in the row were larger than the ones in the column. The upper triangle shows the significant differences (p < 0.05, FDR corrected) between each pair of model orders, whose direction is opposite to the lower triangle. The top circle indicates that higher individual model orders always have higher accuracies compared with lower individual model orders. The middle circle shows that model orders of 50–100 outperform lower between model orders. The bottom circle indicates that higher between model orders outperform individual model orders. Color images are available online.