Table 3.
Cognitive and Behavioral Assessments
Blast exposure and medical history | |||
Measure | Construct measured/ data collected | Administration method | Time (min) |
Demographics | Age, ethnicity, race, education | REDCap survey pre-visit | 15 |
Military history | Military history, rank, time in service (years) | 5 | |
Military occupational status | Blast exposure (indirect) | 5 | |
Generalized Blast Exposure Value28 | Blast exposure | Pre-visit by phone | 10 |
Deployment Risk & Resiliency Inventory, Combat Experiences Scale, modified for STRONG STAR70,71 | Combat exposure | REDCap survey pre-visit | 3 |
Medical history | Symptom characteristics, duration, severity, and treatment | In-person visit - interview | 10 |
Brain Injury Screening Questionnaire72 | Lifetime TBI exposure | Pre-visit by phone; follow-up in-person |
25 |
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index73,74 | Sleep quality & disturbances | REDCap survey pre-visit; spouse by-phone | 10 |
STOP BANG75 | Obstructive sleep apnea | REDCap survey pre-visit | < 1 |
Pupillometry Exam | Pupil constriction and dilation | 15 |
Neurocognitive function | |||
Measure | Construct measured/ data collected | Administration method | Time (min) |
Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics76 |
Processing speed, memory, inhibition, and other cognitive processes |
In-person, laptop |
35 |
Philips Intellispace Cognition |
Memory, verbal processing, working memory, executive functioning, processing speed, visual spatial processing |
In-person visit, iPad |
45 |
Grooved Pegboard Test77,78 |
Fine motor function |
In-person visit | 5 |
Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System79,80 |
Inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility |
10 |
WAIS- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 4th version, Digit Span and Arithmetic81 |
Working memory |
30 |
Test of Premorbid Functioning82 |
Premorbid ability/cognitive reserve |
5 |
Auditory Consonant Trigrams83 | Divided attention, working memory | 15 |
Neurobehavioral function, physical symptoms, and quality of life | |||
Measure | Construct measured/ data collected | Administration method | Time (min) |
Patient Health Questionnaire-984 |
Depression |
In-person visit |
5 |
Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised85 |
Suicidality |
< 1 |
Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory86 |
Post-concussive symptoms |
3 |
Brown-Goodwin Lifetime History of Aggression87 |
Aggression |
60 |
Glasgow Outcome Scale- Extended88 |
Global outcome |
15 |
Mild Brain Injury Atypical Symptoms89 |
Symptom validity/effort |
2 |
Medical Symptom Validity Test90 |
Symptom validity/effort |
15 |
Frontal Systems Behavior Scale91 |
Apathy, disinhibition, executive dysfunction |
Participant: In-person visit |
10 |
Spouse: Phone | |||
PTSD Checklist for DSM-592 |
Post-traumatic stress disorder |
REDCap survey pre-visit | 3 |
RAND-3693 |
Physical functioning, role limitations, energy/fatigue, emotional well-being, social functioning, pain, general health |
5 |
TBI-Quality of Life short forms94 |
Anger |
2 |
Anxiety |
2 |
Emotional & behavioral dyscontrol |
2 |
Resilience |
2 |
Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire95 |
Aggression |
5 |
World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule96 |
Cognition, mobility, self-care, getting along, life activities, participation |
5 |
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test97,98 |
Alcohol screening |
2 |
Drug Abuse Screening Test99 |
Drug screening |
3 |
Headache Impact Test-6100 |
Headaches |
3 |
PROMIS Short forms101 | Pain Intensity |
7 | |
Pain Interference |
STOP-BANG, Snoring history, Tired during the day, Observed stop breathing while sleep, High blood pressure, BMI more than 35 kg/m2, Age more than 50 years, Neck circumference more than 40 cm and male Gender; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; WHO, World Health Organization, PROMIS, Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System; REDCap, Research Electronic Data Capture.