(A) Survival curves for animals transplanted with untreated cells or residual radioresistant neurospheres. Survival analysis was performed using Kaplan Meier. The p value was calculated for the radioresistant tumors compared to untreated tumors transplanted with 500 cells.
(B) IHC staining with antibodies (green) against Ki67, Tuj1, GFAP or OLIG2 in a post-irradiation neurospheres-derived tumor, spontaneously relapsed tumor, and primary tumor. Scale bars = 50 μm. Tumor cells are indicated in red (mCherry).
(C) Western blot analysis of OLIG2 and MYC expression in primary tumors, spontaneously relapsed tumors, and post-irradiation neurosphere-derived tumors.
(D, E) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering and heat map of batch effect adjusted primary tumors, spontaneously relapsed tumors, or post-irradiation neurosphere-derived tumors.
(F) Comparison of differential gene expression among primary tumors, spontaneously relapsed tumors, or post-irradiation neurosphere-derived tumors.
(G) Gene set enrichment analysis of primary tumors, spontaneously relapsed tumors, or post-irradiation neurosphere-derived tumors.
(See also Figures S3 and S4 and Table S1).