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. 2022 Sep 20;67:1604348. doi: 10.3389/ijph.2022.1604348


In-depth Interview guide (India, 2021–2022).

Q1. Please share your experience during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Q2. What is your experience with availing antenatal services/Intra/postnatal services/immunization services during a regular period in your community?
Probe: availability—site, day, time, staff, logistics, transport, appropriateness—technical and professional adequacy, approachability, acceptability, affordability, continuity of services
Q3. What changes have you seen in services during the COVID-19 situation?
Probe: availability, appropriateness, approachability, acceptability, affordability, continuity of services
Q4. How did you manage the care of your sick infants during the pandemic?
Q5. How did you cope with the situation?
Q6. In your view, how can we strengthen the services in an emergency?