Figure 4.
Histologic assessment of tumor cell death 48 hours following chemoradiotherapy treatment. Representative sections of A11 (A–F), S2 (I–N), and U87 (Q–V) tumors stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E; A, D, I, L, Q, and T). The top panels show the whole brain section containing the tumor, and the bottom panels show a Multiplication symbol 10 magnification of part of the tumor area. The sections were co-stained for CC3 (B, E, J, M, R, and U) and TUNEL (C, F, K, N, S, and V). The percentage of CC3 (G, O, and W)- and TUNEL (H, P, and X)-positive cells pretreatment and 48 hours after the completion of treatment is shown for A11 (G and H), S2 (O and P), and U87 (W and X) tumors (n = 4 per group, drug treated and untreated). Data are shown as mean ± SD. **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.