Figure 5.
13C MR spectra acquired following intravenous injection of hyperpolarized [1,4-13C2,2,3-2H2]fumarate. Summed spectra showing flux of hyperpolarized 13C label between [1,4-13C2,2,3-2H2]fumarate (177.2 ppm) and [1,4-13C2,2,3-2H2]malate (182.2, 183.6 ppm) were acquired from an 8-mm tumor slice over a period of 180 seconds starting from the time of injection. Spectra were acquired from A11 (A), S2 (C), and U87 (E) tumors before and at 48 hours after the last chemo-radiotherapy session. Malate/fumarate signal ratios in A11 (n = 4, paired two-tailed t test; B), S2 (n = 4, paired two-tailed t test; D), and U87 (n = 3, paired two-tailed t test; F) tumors pre- and posttreatment. The ratios were obtained from the summed spectra. ns, nonsignificant.