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. 2022 Sep 20;10:982732. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.982732


Number of differentially localized transcripts that are overabundant in the five defined localized profiles.

Xenopus laevis Acipenser ruthenus
Big Medium Small Very small Big Small
Total transcripts 16,045 16,076 15,832 15,952 22,591 21,862
DLTs 1,331 1,248 1,714 450 13,901 3,184
Annotated DLTs 1,127 1,068 1,482 359 7,550 1,847
Extreme animal 381 424 506 53 3,456 908
Animal 20 12 57 10 1,684 15
Center 0 0 1 2 5 31
Vegetal 444 502 229 98 4,280 639
Extreme vegetal 205 164 142 91 363 263
Undefined 281 146 779 196 4,113 1,328

DLTs are defined by <0.1 padj and >20 transcripts/oocyte.