Figure 2.
SBA geometric mean titers and within-participant geometric mean ratios at all time points (full analysis set). SBA, serum bactericidal activity; GMR, geometric mean ratio; CI, confidence interval; IC50, reciprocal of the serum dilution that results in killing 50% of the bacteria present in the assay; LLOQ, the lower limit of quantification of the assay; Day 1, pre-vaccination; Day 29, 28 days post-first vaccination; Day 57, 28 days post-second vaccination; 1.5/25 µg group, participants receiving the 1.5/25 µg O antigen/protein vaccine formulation; 6/100 µg group, participants receiving the 6/100 µg O antigen/protein vaccine formulation; Control, participants receiving a quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine at Day 1 and a vaccine against tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis at Day 29. Points represent individual data. Numbers at the base of the bars are the GMT values. Error bars depict 95% CIs. Note: Half the LLOQ (16.75 IC50) was assigned to participants with antibody titers below the LLOQ when calculating SBA GMTs.