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. 2022 Oct 4;17(10):e0274083. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0274083

Table 1. Preliminary PEB items retained following the pilot study, including results from reliability analyses and confirmatory factor analyses.

Latent Construct Item Label Please rate how frequently you have participated in the following activities Λ Mean SD
Private Behaviors Priv-PEB-1 Bought environmentally friendly and/or energy efficient products 0.77 3.84 1.78
Priv-PEB-2 Walked or rode a bike when traveling short distances 0.55 3.38 2.17
Priv-PEB-3 Reused or mended items rather than throwing them away 0.57 4.19 1.69
Priv-PEB-4 Composted food or yard and garden refuse 0.66 2.23 2.24
Priv-PEB-5 Avoided buying products with excessive packaging 0.80 3.26 1.98
Priv-PEB-6 Bought organic vegetables 0.63 3.27 2.04
Priv-PEB-7 Used rechargeable batteries 0.54 3.40 2.07
Priv-PEB-8 Minimized use of heating or air conditioning to limit energy use 0.59 3.93 1.85
Priv-PEB-9 Car-pooled when traveling to a destination 0.61 2.77 2.15
Cronbach’s Alpha 0.86
Public Behaviors Pub-PEB-1 Talked to others in your community about environmental issues 0.83 2.46 2.12
Pub-PEB-2 Worked with others to address an environmental problem or issue 0.86 2.11 2.13
Pub-PEB-3 Participated as an active member in a local environmental group 0.82 1.49 1.90
Pub-PEB-4 Signed a petition about an environmental issue 0.77 2.43 2.18
Pub-PEB-5 Donated money to support local environmental protection 0.85 2.30 2.17
Cronbach’s Alpha 0.91

Global Fit Indices: Σ2 = 180.34, df = 76, p<0.001; RMSEA = 0.069; SRMR = 0.048; CFI = 0.950