Figure 3.
Signatures of selection at 97 SNPs on Pecten maximus chromosome 12. (a) Pairwise FST (Scotland/Spain) plotted against genomic position for chromosome 12; (b) smoothed expected heterozygosity plotted against genomic position for each locality; (c) iES, a statistic that measures the average length in base pairs of shared haplotypes (where larger values indicate larger regions of extended homozygosity, an indicator of a selective sweep) plotted against genomic position for chromosome 12; (d) log of the p-value for test of statistical significance of Rsb, the log-ratio of iES for pairs of populations, plotted against genomic position for chromosome 12; (e,f,g) heatmap of pairwise linkage disequilibrium (r2) for all loci on chromosome 12 for (e) Norwegian localities (f) Scottish localities and (g) Spain. Locality abbreviations: NNO, north Norway; SNO, south Norway; SLD, Shetland Islands; NE, northeast Scotland; SE, southeast Scotland; NW, northwest Scotland; SW, southwest Scotland; ESP, Spain. (Online version in colour.)