Table 4.
Participants' neighborhood food environment proximity characteristics.
Nearest distance to food outlets (m) | Median | IQR | Minimum | Maximum |
Nearest distance to supermarkets (m) | 557.00 | 505.00 | 91.00 | 1,676.00 |
Nearest distance to convenience stores (m) | 207.50 | 358.50 | 0.10 | 825.00 |
Nearest distance to greengrocers (m) | 304.00 | 422.50 | 77.00 | 705.00 |
Nearest distance to sit-down restaurants (m) | 325.00 | 299.25 | 52.00 | 992.00 |
Nearest distance to Chinese fast-food restaurants (m) | 389.50 | 520.50 | 169.00 | 3,563.00 |
Nearest distance to western fast-food restaurants (m) | 902.50 | 1,113.25 | 339.00 | 8,332.00 |
The distance is from the food outlet to the neighborhood. IQR, inter-quartile range.