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. 2022 Jun 10;152(10):2255–2268. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxac132


Results from sensitivity and scenario analyses by UPAVAN intervention arm1.

Intervention arms
Scenarios/parameters Total costs Cost per primary intervention participant3 Total costs Cost per primary intervention participant Total costs Cost per primary intervention participant
Base-case scenario 272,121 62 366,686 84 386,907 78
Allocation rule for nutrition-specific component between arms 2 and 3 (base-case 75% vs. 25%)
 Alternative allocation rule: 90% vs. 10% 272,121 62 403,726 93 349,867 70
Discount rate (base-case 3%) 0
 Discount rate 0% 284,880 65 382,748 88 405,884 82
 Discount rate 6% 260,470 59 352,000 81 369,612 74
Startup costs (base-case 100%)
 Reduce startup costs by 50% 236,533 54 312,197 72 341,955 69
MIS costs (base-case 100%)
 Reducing MIS costs by 25% 254,860 58 341,192 78 346,872 70
 Reducing MIS costs by 50% 237,600 54 315,698 73 306,837 62
Replacing international costs with local staff 182,849 42 219,025 50 294,963 59

All values in 2019 US$. AGRI, nutrition-sensitive agriculture intervention; AGRI-NUT, nutrition-sensitive and nutrition-specific agriculture intervention; AGRI-NUT + PLA, nutrition-sensitive and nutrition-specific agriculture intervention using participatory learning and action approach; MIS, monitoring information system; PLA, participatory learning and action; UPAVAN, Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition; vs., versus.


Program costs


Primary intervention participants were pregnant women and mothers of children aged 0–23 mo who attended ≥1 dissemination group meeting.